A super simple tool to list all available named profiles in the ~/.aws/config file
This is useful when you have a lot of profiles defined and can never remember the exact
names to use in an aws cli command like aws s3 list --profile XXXX
or when setting the
env variable AWS_PROFILE
Assuming you had three profiles named profile1, profile2 & profile3 defined in your ~/.aws/config file
$ aws_profiles list
- python3.6+
Typically, this tool will be installed in your home directory
pip3 install --user --upgrade aws-profiles
- python3.6+
- poetry
poetry install
poetry run pytest --cov=src
poetry run black src
poetry run flake8 src
- commits must be formatted using angular commit format. Use
cz commit
to get help - commits will be linted with a pre-commit-hook for commitizen
- github actions uses symantec release to increment version and publish to pypi upon merge to main branch