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Weather Data Pipeline

This project sets up a data pipeline to ingest real-time weather data from a public API, process the data using Apache Spark, and store the historical weather patterns in a PostgreSQL database. The pipeline is orchestrated using Apache Airflow and utilizes Apache Kafka for event streaming.


The weather data pipeline consists of the following components:


  1. Data Source: OpenWeatherMap API (or any other public weather API)
  2. Event Streaming: Apache Kafka
  3. Data Processing: Apache Spark
  4. Data Storage: PostgreSQL
  5. Orchestration: Apache Airflow

The high-level architecture of the pipeline is as follows:


  1. Data Source: The pipeline fetches weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API for a set of predefined cities. The data includes temperature, humidity, pressure, and timestamp information.

  2. Event Streaming: The weather data is sent to an Apache Kafka topic called weather_data. This allows for real-time processing and decouples the data source from the downstream processing.

  3. Data Processing: A Scala-based Spark Structured Streaming application consumes the data from the Kafka topic, processes it, and stores the processed data in a PostgreSQL database. The processing includes calculating metrics like month-over-month cost and revenue growth.

  4. Data Storage: The processed weather data is stored in a PostgreSQL database, which can be used for further analysis and reporting.

  5. Orchestration: Apache Airflow is used to orchestrate the entire pipeline. The Airflow DAG ( defines the tasks and their dependencies, ensuring the smooth execution of the pipeline.

Getting Started

To set up the weather data pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd weather-pipeline
  3. Set up the required environment variables in the .env file:
    • OPENWEATHER_API_KEY: Your API key from OpenWeatherMap
    • POSTGRES_USER: Username for the PostgreSQL database
    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: Password for the PostgreSQL database
    • POSTGRES_DB: Name of the PostgreSQL database
  4. Build and run the Docker containers: docker-compose up -d
  5. Access the Airflow web UI at http://localhost:8080 and log in with the admin credentials (username: admin, password: admin)
  6. Verify that the weather_pipeline DAG is present and running correctly.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

  1. Check the logs of the individual containers:

    • Airflow: docker logs weather-pipeline_airflow_1
    • Kafka: docker logs weather-pipeline_kafka_1
    • Spark: docker logs weather-pipeline_airflow_1 (the Spark consumer is running inside the Airflow container)
    • PostgreSQL: docker logs weather-pipeline_postgres_1
  2. Monitor the Kafka topic:

    • Connect to the Kafka container: docker exec -it weather-pipeline_kafka_1 /bin/sh
    • List the topics: --list --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    • Consume messages from the weather_data topic: --topic weather_data --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  3. Inspect the PostgreSQL database:

    • Connect to the PostgreSQL container: docker exec -it weather-pipeline_postgres_1 psql -U admin -d weather_db
    • Query the weather_data table: SELECT * FROM weather_data LIMIT 10;
  4. Monitor the Airflow DAG execution:

    • Check the Airflow web UI for the status of the weather_pipeline DAG
    • Inspect the task logs for any errors or issues

Future Enhancements

  1. Additional Data Sources: Ingest weather data from multiple APIs to increase coverage and redundancy.
  2. Data Quality Checks: Implement data validation and quality checks to ensure data integrity.
  3. Alerting and Monitoring: Set up alerts and monitoring for key pipeline metrics, such as Kafka topic sizes, Spark job failures, and PostgreSQL data consistency.
  4. Deployment Automation: Automate the deployment of the pipeline using tools like Terraform or Ansible.
  5. Scaling and High Availability: Explore ways to scale the pipeline components and ensure high availability, such as using Kubernetes or a managed Kafka service.
  6. Visualization and Reporting: Integrate the pipeline with a data visualization tool (e.g., Grafana) to create custom dashboards and reports.


If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
  3. Commit your changes and push the branch
  4. Submit a pull request


Airflow, Spark, Kafka, Docker, Postgres






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