This is a college work introduced in the PPL discipline (Paradigms of Programming Languages) whose objective is to demonstrate the use of the COBOL language in business software. A small CRUD financial management software was developed, capable of calculating a payroll following the labor laws in 2016 (Brazil).
To install you need verify if the following dependencies are installed:
- GNU MP (libgmp) 4.1.2 ou superior
- GNU Libtool (libltdl)
In Ubuntu can install by comand:
sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev libgmp10 libgmp-dev libltdl7 libltdl-dev
To install use the comands below:
$ tar -xvzf open-cobol-1.1tar.gz
$ cd open-cobol-1.1
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
In Ubuntu or others derivatives of Debian we can use this comand:
$ sudo apt-get install open-cobol
To test if the compiler is working, use this comand:
$ cobc -V
Ready, already we have the compiler, now let's go to install the IDE.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools pyqt5-dev pyqt5-dev-tools python-pygments python-setuptools python3-setuptools
Install the pip package management if you don't have installed. Use the comand:
$ apt install python-pip
For install the dependencies remaining use the comands:
$ pip install pyqode.qt
$ pip install future
$ pip install pyqode.core --upgrade
$ pip3 install pyqode.cobol --upgrade
$ pip install qdarkstyle
Finally, all the dependencies are installed, we have go to the installation of OpenCobolIDE. To do this just type:
sudo pip3 install OpenCobolIDE --upgrade
- Open OpenCobolIDE
- Go to preferences and check Run in external terminal
- Open file payroll.cbl
- Click Run