Going through on what to install and what commands to run
Use commands to install venv and make onepip install virtualenv
- used to install the virtualenv library
python3 -m venv env
- create a virtualenv named env
- ``source env/Scripts/activate`
- to activate the virtualenv that you just created
- the activate file should be within this directory
Make sure to have your virtual environment activated before using this command!
pip install django djangorestframework
- used to install django and the rest framework
Before we get into what commands to use, I would like to explain what these libraries are that we’re going to install. This is information I got from the video, I do not have full knowledge of these other libraries other than this. They help us run React and Django together.
It will transpile our javascript into one single file, this will help us work with Django and React.
It will help us make our website compatible with different browsers by transpiling aswell.
Make sure to have your directory in the frontend folder! directory → wej-tech/project/frontend
npm init -y
- this is kind of like a virtualenv but for JavaScript
npm install @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react babel-loader react react-dom react-router-dom webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
- creates a node module folder for our React app that uses Javascript libraries, kind of like a virtualenv for Javascript too
- used to install all the libraries needed to run the webapp, these will install in the node module folder
You will need to have two consoles/terminals to complete the running of the webapp, one for Django and the other for React. You can open multiple terminals within VSCode by pressing a “+” button some where near the bottom right of the screen.
Make sure to have your directory in the project folder! directory → wej-tech/project
python manage.pyrunserver
- this will run Django part of the webapp
Make sure to have your directory in the frontend folder! directory → wej-tech/project/frontend
npm run dev
- this will run the React part of the webapp and there will be an error/warning, but it’s okay because it’s saying we’re running using a dev build, which is what we should be using, the website will still run despite this warning.