Welcome! We're stoked that you're joining CODE at HBS. Our mission is to bring technologists together at HBS. Our meetings are a short 30 minutes each week, and we're focused on helping you make things.
Before we start, let's get some administrative stuff out of the way.
Fill out your member profile
Request membership for CODE's GitHub organization by emailing jorshan@mba2018.hbs.edu and providing your Github username.
Sign up for our CODE Slack group and add a channel for your accountability group if you have one
Follow @codeHBS on Twitter
Like CODE@HBS on Facebook <-- great way to follow our events each week
Follow @codeHBS on Instagram
- Send membership dues of $35 (1 year) or $50 (2 years) to code@studentclubs.hbs.edu via PayPal's “Send money to friends and family”. In the “Note” box, please include (a) First and last name and (b) your HBS email address.
Deadline: The official HBS deadline has passed, but send a note to our CFO, Ben Cohen (bcohen@mba2017.hbs.edu), after you submit your PayPal dues and he will get you added to the club officially.
For those of you who are eager to jump in, here's a few ideas:
- Sign up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, which has lots of great free and reduced-rates on developer tools for students. Some great benefits:
- Free AWS, Digital Ocean, and Stripe credits (and many others)
- Membership to Thinkful, including two weeks of one-on-one mentorship in Web Development
- Free domain registration for a year
- Unlimited private repositories on GitHub while you're a student
- Set up your dev environment on your computer (instructions for Mac, Windows and Linux)
- Create your first PR for CODE's open-source website. If you're not sure what a "PR" is or would like to work on this challenge with a friend, come to the next CODE meeting and we can parallel program and do it together :)
Welcome on board!