Startup (not so creative name) is a free landing page template built with Bootstrap 4 and packed with the gulp for advance users. This template will be a good choice for startups, small companies, entrepreneurs and those of you who want to create a great online presence for your products. This Free Bootstrap template is very easy to modify and customise.
Any marketing campaign without a landing page is an incomplete attempt. Landing page provides laser focused content to the users and psychological triggers will help you get more leads. This free landing page template will help you to create an effective landing page in no time.
With a neat professional design, the Startup,we shure hope,will become one of the popular free bootstrap landing page template. Share with the world!
Free Bootstrap Startup template
- Free under CC BY 3.0 (give us some credit for our work,that's all)
Created by
Copy "build folder"
npm install
Start development server on http://localhost:8080
Browser will auto reload when js, scss, html changed.
gulp build
Licence: CC BY 3.0
Credits: Images from Unsplash