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Topcoder Challenge API

This microservice provides access and interaction with all sorts of Challenge data.

Devlopment status

Total alertsLanguage grade: JavaScript

Deployment status

Dev: CircleCI Prod: CircleCI

Swagger definition

Intended use

  • Production API

Related repos



Configuration for the application is at config/default.js. The following parameters can be set in config files or in env variables:

  • READONLY: sets the API in read-only mode. POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE operations will return 403 Forbidden
  • LOG_LEVEL: the log level, default is 'debug'
  • PORT: the server port, default is 3000
  • AUTH_SECRET: The authorization secret used during token verification.
  • VALID_ISSUERS: The valid issuer of tokens.
  • AUTH0_URL: AUTH0 URL, used to get M2M token
  • AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL: AUTH0 proxy server URL, used to get M2M token
  • AUTH0_AUDIENCE: AUTH0 audience, used to get M2M token
  • TOKEN_CACHE_TIME: AUTH0 token cache time, used to get M2M token
  • AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: AUTH0 client id, used to get M2M token
  • AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: AUTH0 client secret, used to get M2M token
  • KAFKA_ERROR_TOPIC: Kafka error topic used by bus API wrapper
  • AMAZON.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The Amazon certificate key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • AMAZON.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The Amazon certificate access key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • AMAZON.AWS_REGION: The Amazon certificate region to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • AMAZON.IS_LOCAL_DB: Use Amazon DynamoDB Local or server.
  • AMAZON.DYNAMODB_URL: The local url if using Amazon DynamoDB Local
  • AMAZON.ATTACHMENT_S3_BUCKET: the AWS S3 bucket to store attachments
  • ES: config object for Elasticsearch
  • ES.HOST: Elasticsearch host
  • ES.API_VERSION: Elasticsearch API version
  • ES.ES_INDEX: Elasticsearch index name
  • ES.ES_TYPE: Elasticsearch index type
  • ES.ES_REFRESH: Elasticsearch refresh method. Default to string true(i.e. refresh immediately)
  • FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT: the file upload size limit in bytes
  • RESOURCES_API_URL: TC resources API base URL
  • V3_PROJECTS_API_URL: TC direct projects API base URL
  • GROUPS_API_URL: TC groups API base URL
  • PROJECTS_API_URL: TC projects API base URL
  • COPILOT_RESOURCE_ROLE_IDS: copilot resource role ids allowed to upload attachment
  • HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT: health check timeout in milliseconds
  • SCOPES: the configurable M2M token scopes, refer config/default.js for more details
  • M2M_AUDIT_HANDLE: the audit name used when perform create/update operation using M2M token

You can find sample .env files inside the /docs directory.

Available commands

  1. Drop/delete tables: npm run drop-tables
  2. Creating tables: npm run create-tables
  3. Seed/Insert data to tables: npm run seed-tables
  4. Initialize/Clear database in default environment: npm run init-db
  5. View table data in default environment: npm run view-data <ModelName>, ModelName can be Challenge, ChallengeType, AuditLog, Phase, TimelineTemplateor Attachment
  6. Create Elasticsearch index: npm run init-es, or to re-create index: npm run init-es force
  7. Synchronize ES data and DynamoDB data: npm run sync-es


  • The seed data are located in src/scripts/seed

Local Deployment

AWS S3 Setup

Go to and login. Choose S3 from Service folder and click Create bucket. Following the instruction to create S3 bucket.

Local services setup

In the local folder, run docker-compose up to start Elasticsearch, DynamoDB, S3 compatible server and Mock API.

Create Tables

  1. Make sure DynamoDB are running as per instructions above.
  2. Make sure you have configured all config parameters. Refer Configuration
  3. Run npm run create-tables to create tables.

Mock API

The provided mock API provides mock endpoint to fetch challenge resources and groups so you don't have to deploy the related services locally. You need to ensure DynamoDB configuration in mock-api/config/default.js is consistent with config/default.js Mock API starts after running docker-compose up and expose port 4000.


There are two parts need to be updated for local development

Production deployment

  • TBD

Running tests


Test configuration is at config/test.js. You don't need to change them. The following test parameters can be set in config file or in env variables:

  • ADMIN_TOKEN: admin token
  • COPILOT_TOKEN: copilot token
  • USER_TOKEN: user token
  • EXPIRED_TOKEN: expired token
  • INVALID_TOKEN: invalid token
  • M2M_FULL_ACCESS_TOKEN: M2M full access token
  • M2M_READ_ACCESS_TOKEN: M2M read access token
  • M2M_UPDATE_ACCESS_TOKEN: M2M update (including 'delete') access token
  • S3_ENDPOINT: endpoint of AWS S3 API, for unit and e2e test only; default to localhost:9000


  • Start Local services in docker.
  • Create DynamoDB tables.
  • Initialize ES index.
  • Various config parameters should be properly set.

Seeding db data is not needed.

Running unit tests

To run unit tests alone

npm run test

To run unit tests with coverage report

npm run test:cov

Running integration tests

To run integration tests alone

npm run e2e

To run integration tests with coverage report

npm run e2e:cov


Refer to the verification document


  • after uploading attachments, the returned attachment ids should be used to update challenge; finally, attachments have challengeId field linking to their challenge, challenge also have attachments field linking to its attachments, this will speed up challenge CRUDS operations.

  • In the app-constants.js Topics field, the used topics are using a test topic, the suggested ones are commented out, because these topics are not created in TC dev Kafka yet.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • JavaScript 99.8%
  • Other 0.2%