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React Pivot Table

Configurable pivot table as a React component.


npm login --registry

npm config set @codestothestars:registry

npm install @codestothestars/react-pivot-table


import PivotTable, { aggregators } from '@codestothestars/react-pivot-table';
import React from 'react';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const data = [
    {category: 'Furniture', sales: 261.96, state: 'Kentucky', subCategory: 'Bookcases'},
    {category: 'Furniture', sales: 731.94, state: 'Kentucky', subCategory: 'Chairs'},
    {category: 'Office Supplies', sales: 14.62, state: 'California', subCategory: 'Labels'}

  const columnDimensions = [
    { name: 'State', property: 'state' }

  const rowDimensionss = [
    { name: 'Category', property: 'category' },
    { name: 'Sub-Category', property: 'subCategory' }

  const title = {
    column: 'States',
    row: 'Products'

  return (




Once you've installed the above dependencies and cloned this repository, install NPM dependencies.

npm install


Use the provided build script to build a distributable version of the component.

npm run build

Demo App

This repository includes a bare-bones demo app using react-scripts, which you can use to preview and develop the component.

npm start

Architectural Overview

The following attributes of the table are determined upfront.

  • The column dimension values.
  • All possible combinations of row dimension values.
  • The pivoted data for the individual primary table cells (i.e. all cells except those in the "total" rows).

The pivoted data rows are then passed and filtered down to nested subsections, which are created recursively until all of the row dimension values are represented. This nesting facilitates the potential implementation of collapsible sections beyond the first row dimension. The dataset is similarly filtered and provided to the "total" rows, which calculate their values separately.

This library currently provides a default "sum" aggregator. Aggregation is implemented generically, so the user may also specify their own aggregator, and more default functions can easily be added. The independent operation of "total" rows facilitates more complex aggregations requiring the entire dataset for accuracy, such as averages. Aggregators specify a default value (e.g. 0 for sum), and the pivot table will not render rows containing only the default.

When expand/collapse buttons are clicked, callbacks provided by ancestor components are fired, and the open/closed state of the section is managed exclusively by the top-level section component.

Assumptions and Simplifications

  1. Only one column dimension is initially supported.
  2. Row dimensions are collapsible only at top level.
  3. Dimension value order is undefined.
  4. "Total" rows are supported. Total columns are not.
  5. Only the first row dimension gets a total row.
  6. Numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number.
  7. Column dimension title is left-aligned.
  8. No chevrons in column dimension title.
  9. Internet Explorer is not supported.

Next Steps

  • Ensure component displays well when embedded within an existing app.
  • Implement sticky row dimensions.
  • Enable "total rows" for all row dimensions.
  • Implement "total columns".


Before committing changes, make sure that you...

  1. Write/edit JSDoc documentation for all new/modified members.
  2. Write/edit Jest unit tests for all new/modified functionality.
  3. Run ESLint with npm run lint and correct all errors.
  4. Run all unit tests with npm test and correct all failures.

Branching Model

This project uses the following branching rules.

  • master contains the current production state. Development does not occur here.
  • develop contains the current development state planned for the next release. Feature branches are created from here and merged back in when the feature is complete.
  • Use a named feature branch for each feature in development. This is where all main development should occur.
  • release-* branches are created from develop to prepare the next release. Perform final testing and version checking here, then merge into master to perform a production release and back into develop to update development.