PyIndicators is a powerful and user-friendly Python library for technical analysis indicators and metrics. Written entirely in Python, it requires no external dependencies, ensuring seamless integration and ease of use.
- Native Python implementation, no external dependencies needed except for Polars or Pandas
- Dataframe first approach, with support for both pandas dataframes and polars dataframes
- Trend indicators
- Momentum indicators
from investing_algorithm_framework import CSVOHLCVMarketDataSource
from pyindicators import sma
# For this example the investing algorithm framework is used for dataframe creation,
csv_path = "./tests/test_data/OHLCV_BTC-EUR_BINANCE_15m_2023-12-01:00:00_2023-12-25:00:00.csv"
data_source = CSVOHLCVMarketDataSource(csv_file_path=csv_path)
pl_df = data_source.get_data()
pd_df = data_source.get_data(pandas=True)
# Calculate SMA for Polars DataFrame
pl_df = sma(pl_df, source_column="Close", period=200, result_column="SMA_200")
# Calculate SMA for Pandas DataFrame
pd_df = sma(pd_df, source_column="Close", period=200, result_column="SMA_200")
from investing_algorithm_framework import CSVOHLCVMarketDataSource
from pyindicators import ema
# For this example the investing algorithm framework is used for dataframe creation,
csv_path = "./tests/test_data/OHLCV_BTC-EUR_BINANCE_15m_2023-12-01:00:00_2023-12-25:00:00.csv"
data_source = CSVOHLCVMarketDataSource(csv_file_path=csv_path)
pl_df = data_source.get_data()
pd_df = data_source.get_data(pandas=True)
# Calculate SMA for Polars DataFrame
pl_df = ema(pl_df, source_column="Close", period=200, result_column="EMA_200")
# Calculate SMA for Pandas DataFrame
pd_df = ema(pd_df, source_column="Close", period=200, result_column="EMA_200")
from polars import DataFrame as plDataFrame
from pandas import DataFrame as pdDataFrame
from pyindicators import rsi
# Polars DataFrame
pl_df = plDataFrame({"close": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
# Pandas DataFrame
pd_df = pdDataFrame({"close": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]})
# Calculate RSI for Polars DataFrame
pl_df = rsi(pl_df, "close", 14)
# Calculate RSI for Pandas DataFrame
pd_df = rsi(pd_df, "close", 14)
from polars import DataFrame as plDataFrame
from pandas import DataFrame as pdDataFrame
from pyindicators import is_crossover
# Polars DataFrame
pl_df = plDataFrame({
"EMA_50": [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 208, 210],
"EMA_200": [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 209],
"DateTime": pd.date_range("2021-01-01", periods=10, freq="D")
# Pandas DataFrame
pd_df = pdDataFrame({
"EMA_50": [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 208, 210],
"EMA_200": [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 209],
"DateTime": pd.date_range("2021-01-01", periods=10, freq="D")
if is_crossover(
pl_df, first_column="EMA_50", second_column="EMA_200", data_points=3
print("Crossover detected in Polars DataFrame")
if is_crossover(
pd_df, first_column="EMA_50", second_column="EMA_200", data_points=3
print("Crossover detected in Pandas DataFrame")