A simple production grade React Boilerplate.
This boilerplate project is highly scalable and performance focused. It is made using best practices.
To Setup this type of project, follow easy steps in this article: LINK
- React Project (from scratch using npm init, create-react-app is not used to keep it simple)
- Webpack and Babel
- Eslint and Prettier
- Husky (Pre-commit Git hooks)
- Sonarcube scanner (local setup)
Node version: v16 (16.13.1)
React version: v17 (17.0.2)
Clone/fork this repository
To install node_modules and other dependencies and dev dependencies run commands:
npm install npm install --save-dev
To build project, run
For development build:
npm run dev
For production build:
npm run build
To run project on local, run
npm run start
That's it. Enjoy!
NOTE: Detailed guide to setup this Simple React Boilerplate on your own, is coming soon.. till then, clone/fork this project to use it in your projects