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Linear algebra library for JavaScript

This library contains some useful classes and functions for dealing with linear algebra in JavaScript.


To install the package using github is different from NPM website

Create .npmrc file into the root directory of your project

Run below command into the terminal

npm install @comradesurendra/jsalgebra@1.0.5


  • class Vector : This class represents a vector of arbitray size and operations on it.

    • constructor Vector(N) : creates a zero vector of size N
    • constructor Vector(N, components) : creates a vector of size N with the given components.
    • createUnitBasis(pos) : converts this vector in a unit basis vector and returns it.
    • component(pos) : returns the specified component (indexing at 0)
    • changeComponent(pos, value) : change the specified component.
    • toString() : returns a string representation of this vector.
    • size() : returns the size of the vector. (not the eulidean length!)
    • eulideanLength() : computes the eulidean length of this vector.
    • add(other) : vector addition, returns the rersult.
    • sub(other) : vector subtraction, returns the rersult.
    • dot(other) : computes the dot-product and returns it.
    • scalar(s) : scalar (s) multiplication. returns the result.
    • norm() : normalizes this vector and returns it.
    • equal(other) : returns true if the vectors are equal, otherwise false.
  • function unitBasisVector(N,pos) : returns a unit basis vector of size N with a One on position 'pos'

  • function randomVectorInt(N,a,b) : returns a random vector with integer components (between 'a' and 'b') of size N.

  • function randomVectorFloat(N,a,b) : returns a random vector with floating point components (between 'a' and 'b') of size N.

  • class Matrix : This class represents a matrix of arbitrary size and operations on it.

    • constructor(rows, cols) : creates a zero matrix of dimension rows x cols.
    • constructor(rows, cols, components) : creates a matrix with fix numbers of dimension rows x cols.
    • component(x,y) : returns the specified component.
    • changeComponent(x,y,value) : changes the specified component with the new value 'value'.
    • toString() : returns a string representation of this matrix.
    • dimension() : returns the dimension of this matrix as number arras [rows,cols].
    • add(other) : returns the result of the matrix addition.
    • equal(other) : returns true if the matrices are equal, otherwise false.
    • scalar(c) : returns the result of the matrix-scalar multiplication.


The module is well documented in its source code.


    const LinearAlgebra = require('jsalgebra')

    var x = LinearAlgebra.Vector(size, [.......]);

    var k = LinearAlgebra.Matrix(row, col);

The namespace LinearAlgebra contains useful classes and functions for dealing with linear algebra under JavaScript.

Some examples:

// ---------------------------- Examples ------------------------------------------

// creates vectors 
var x = new LinearAlgebra.Vector(5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var y = new LinearAlgebra.Vector(5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// prints size of the vector
console.log(x.size()); // ==> 5

// changes the 2-th component with 7

// print the 2-th component.
console.log(x.component(2)); // ==> 3

// prints the full vector as string.
console.log(x.toString()); // ==> (1,2,3,4,5)

// vector addition
console.log(x.add(y).toString()); // ==> (2,3,6,8,10)

// set 1 at provided index rest fill with zero
console.log(x.createUnitBasis(1).toString()); // ==> (0,1,0,0,0)

// computes the dot-product
console.log(; // ==> 55

// computes and prints the scalar-product
console.log(x.scalar(5).toString()); // ==> (5,10,15,20,25)

// creates a unit basis vector
console.log(LinearAlgebra.unitBasisVector(3, 0).toString()); // ==> (1,0,0)

// creates random Integer vectors
console.log(LinearAlgebra.randomVectorInt(3, 0, 5).toString());

// creates random Float vectors
console.log(LinearAlgebra.randomVectorFloat(3, 0, 5).toString());


Go in the directory of the project and type in:
npm install
npm test
The test-suite use the JavaScript test-framework mocha.


You can contribute to this project. Feel free and pull request some new features or documention.
TODO: Global functions for special matrices.
TODO: Documention of the classes and functions.