A Go library to interact with multiple blockchains. This library is used by the Cordial Treasury custody product to interact with various blockchains securely. Cordial Treasury will be able to support any chain supported in this library.
Crosschain's main design principle is to isolate functionality into separate Client, Signer and TxBuilder interfaces.
In addition to providing unified interfaces, it allows blockchains to be safely used in secure contexts.
First install the xc
utility which will quickly demonstrate usage of the library.
go install -v ./cmd/xc/...
By default, xc
, will using Cordial System's connector API to connect to blockchains.
You will need an API key
for this to work. Otherwise, you can easily override and supply your own standard RPC url for the target chain.
Manually interact with blockchains
xc [command]
Available Commands:
address Derive an address from the XC_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable.
balance Check balance of an asset. Reported as big integer, not accounting for any decimals.
chains List information on all supported chains.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
staking Staking commands
transfer Create and broadcast a new transaction transferring funds. The amount should be a decimal amount.
tx-info Check an existing transaction on chain.
tx-input Check inputs for a new transaction.
--api-key string Api key to use for client (may set CORDIAL_API_KEY).
--chain string Chain to use. Required.
--config string Path to treasury.toml configuration file.
-h, --help help for xc
--not-mainnet Do not use mainnets, instead use a test or dev network.
--provider string Provider to use for chain client. Only valid for BTC chains.
--rpc string RPC url to use. Optional.
-v, --verbose count Set verbosity.
env and confirm you address is correct on the target chain you want to use.
# random 32-byte key
export XC_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat /dev/urandom | head -c 32 | xxd -p -c100)
xc address --chain SOL
xc transfer <destination-address> 0.1 -v --chain SOL
Add --contract
for token transfers.
xc transfer <destination-address> 0.1 -v --chain SOL --contract EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v --decimals 6
Add --rpc
to use your own RPC node or use a devnet or testnet network.
xc transfer <destination-address> 0.1 -v --chain SOL --rpc "https://api.devnet.solana.com"
Stake 0.1 SOL on mainnet.
xc staking stake --amount 0.1 --chain SOL --rpc https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com --validator he1iusunGwqrNtafDtLdhsUQDFvo13z9sUa36PauBtk
Transactions are represented in a universal format across different chains.
xc tx-info --chain BTC b5734126a7b9f5a3a94491c7297959b74099c5c88d2f5f34ea3cb432abdf9c5e
Download another transaction from a difference chain.
xc tx-info --chain SOL 2NNSwe5ZCHx1SuYfgqy1pyWxDCfEcge3H4Eak1KyGCctjJictYtkQ4FFRH7CMJHM1W55FnyBmtKrxdZzkkThkjVL
Get ether balance (in wei).
xc balance 0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5 --chain ETH
Add --contract
to see a token balance.
xc balance 0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5 --chain ETH --contract 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48
This looks up all of the necessary inputs needed to serialize a transaction on a given blockchain. The values for the "input" depends on each chain. Normally this is providing account sequences, gas fees, or unspent outputs.
xc tx-input <from-address> --chain ETH
xc tx-input 0x95222290DD7278Aa3Ddd389Cc1E1d165CC4BAfe5 --chain ETH
- Aptos
- Bitcoin
- Bitcoin derived: Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin
- Bittensor
- Cosmos
- Cosmos derived: Terra, Injective, XPLA, ...
- Ethereum
- EVMs: Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, ...
- Filecoin
- Polkadot
- Solana
- Sui
- Tron
- Native assets
- Tokens
- Staked assets
- NFTs
- Liquidity pools
- Balances (native asset, tokens)
- Transfers (native transfers, token transfers)
- Transaction reporting
- Wraps/unwraps: ETH, SOL (partial support)
- Staking/unstaking
You can spin up your own devnet nodes + universal faucet API for testing.
Example on EVM:
# build and run container
cd chain/evm/node && docker build -t devnet-evm .
docker run --name devnet-evm -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001 devnet-evm
Fund some asset onto an address using the faucet:
curl -X POST -d '{"amount": 1234, "address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234"}' localhost:10001/chains/ETH/assets/ETH
Query the devnet node:
curl localhost:10000 -X POST \
--data '{"method":"eth_getBalance","params":["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001234", "latest"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'
We welcome contribution, whether in form of bug fixed, documentation, new chains, new functionality.
To add a new chain, we recommend you first study existing implementations in chains/
Normally it's easiest to start with the client methods (reporting a balance), and then incrementally get to building a transaction and broadcasting it.
Just open an issue to discuss what you'd like to contribute and then submit a PR.
To support compatibility with recovered Ed25519 keys from MPC products like Cordial Treasury, signing can be configured to treat the key as a raw scalar, rather than a standard ed25519 "seed".
To enable this, set env XC_SIGN_WITH_SCALAR=1
# The scalar must be 32 bytes
export XC_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat scalar.bin | xxd -p -c 512)
xc transfer ...
OrbStack has been used to build cross-platform images (make build-push-images
), as Docker Desktop as some issues.