Pixelist provides a simple command line application to manipulate pixel matrices stored in text files. It comes with a set of commands to create a matrix or set pixels and a set of workers which run algorithms on a pixel matrix.
The pixel matrix is stored in a text file, which can be edited in a text editor. Each character is representing one pixel.
There is a plugin framework which can be used to add workers which run on a pixel matrix. This can be used to implement algorithms such as Conway's Game of Life:
Pixelist Life (step 50)
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Pixelist is meant for experimenting with algorithm which operate on a simple pixel matrix and learn or experiment with programming techniques such as TDD. If you find creative use for it, please let me know.
There is a Dockerfile you can use to build a container in which you can run pixelist. Build the container by executing a command like
docker build -t pixelist .
Then run the container with
docker run -t pixelist
This will execute the default command which runs the game of life.
To execute another command run it with a command such as
docker run pixelist bin/pixelist -p examples/life.pixels show