Couchbase Sync Gateway is a key component of the Couchbase Mobile stack. It is an internet-facing synchronization mechanism that securely syncs data across devices as well as between devices and the cloud. Couchbase Mobile is built upon a websocket based replication protocol.
The core functions of the Sync Gateway includes:
- Data Synchronization across devices and the cloud
- Authorization
- Access Control
- Data Validation
This repo is designed to show you an app that allows users to log in and make changes to their user profile information. User profile information is persisted as a Document in the local Couchbase Lite Database. When the user logs out and logs back in again, the profile information is loaded from the Database.
Full documentation can be found on the Couchbase Developer Portal.
To run this prebuilt project, you will need:
- Android Studio Chimpmuck or above
- Android Studio Giraffe or above
- Android device or emulator running API level 24 or above
- Android SDK installed and setup (> v.34.0.0)
- Android Build Tools (> v.34.0.0)
- JDK 17 (now embedded into Android Studio)
- This project already contains the appropriate additions for downloading and utilizing the Android Couchbase Lite dependency module. However, in the future, to include Couchbase Lite support within an Android app add the following within the gradle settings file (src/gradle.settings)
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" } // << add this repository
- next, be sure you are using the most recent release of Couchbase Lite Mobile for Android. In the module build file (src/app/build.gradle) check this line to verify that the version number is correct:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.couchbase.lite:couchbase-lite-android-ee:3.1.2'
The sample app follows the MVP pattern, separating the internal data model, from a passive view through a presenter that handles the logic of our application and acts as the conduit between the model and the view
- Open src/build.gradle using Android Studio.
- Build and run the project.
- Verify that you see the login screen.
This code is an example of how to use a Sync Gateway to synchronize data between Couchbase Lite enabled clients. The Couchbase Developer Portal tutorial will discuss how to configure your Sync Gateway to enforce relevant access control, authorization and data routing between Couchbase Lite enabled clients.