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Gorth is like Forth, but in Go

Inspired by Porth project of Tsoding.

IMPORTANT: Language is not finished. Use it on your own risks

Gorth is a Concatenative Stack-Oriented Programming Language.



include "std.gorth"

func main : int do
  "Hello, world!\n" puts

Print all input arguments:

include "std.gorth"

func main : int do
  argv while dup @32 dup 0 != do
    dup strlen println
    sizeof(ptr) +
  end drop drop


> go run gorth.go print-args.gorth arg1 arg2 3 argument4

Quick Start


> go build -o bin/gorth gorth.go
> go build -o bin/gorth_test tester/test.go

Run tests

Run all tests:

> ./bin/gorth_test test

Run tests from directory:

> ./bin/gorth_test test Gorth/examples

Run single test:

> ./bin/gorth_test test Gorth/examples/helloworld.gorth

Record test outputs:

> ./bin/gorth_test record [dir_or_file]


> ./bin/gorth [-mode debug|profile|interprete] [-env] [-disable-typecheck] [-I include_dir] [-O level] [-log error|warn|debug|info] Gorth/examples/helloworld.gorth [args...]

Supported flags:

  • mode - interpreter mode:
    • interpreter - default value, simply execute gorth script
    • debug - run as debugger
    • profile - run profiler
  • env - adds environment variables to VM memory (turned off by default)
  • check - perform type checking before running the script
  • I - provide additional include directories (i.e. "-I dir1 -I dir2 ... -I dirN")
  • O - optimization level (0 - no optimizations, 1 - eliminate dead code)
  • log - logging level (info by default)
  • p - do not run the script, just compile and save to *.gorthc file


Run script with debugger.

> ./bin/gorth -mode debug Gorth/examples/helloworld.gorth

Availavle commands:

  • n [count] - process at most count instructions (by default count=1)
  • c - continue (process all instructions to the break point or to the end)
  • u - go out of current function
  • bs a1 a2 .. ak - set break points for functions or addresses
  • bl - list all break points
  • br a1 a2 .. ak - remove break points from functions or addresses
  • t - print current token
  • o [ctx] - print current operation (+-ctx operations, by default ctx=0)
  • ol - print operations list
  • s - print current stack state
  • m - print current memory state
  • mo addr size - print memory chunk of size size at address addr
  • p n1 n2 .. nk - print consts, allocs or functions
  • e [type] - print current environment (consts, allocs), type could be [all, local, global], by default type=all
  • h - print help
  • q - exit debugger


Run script in profiler mode:

> ./bin/gorth -mode profile Gorth/examples/helloworld.gorth

Profiler will save all stats into Gorth/examples/ file.

Language Reference



Integer literal is a sequence of decimal digits (optionally starts with + or -). When an integer is encountered it is pushed onto the stack. All integers from range [-2^63; 2^63 - 1] are supported.


func main : int do
  1 2 + puti

This code pushes 1 and 2 onto the stack, pops two numbers and pushes their sum back. So, afterall, there will be 3 on top of the stack.


String literal is a sequence of characters enclosed by double quotes ("). Multilined strings are not supported, but it is possible to ues escaped characters like '\n' inside the string. String literals are stored in a specific memory region as null-terminated strings. When string literal is encountered the interpreter pushes pointer to it and size of the string onto the stack.


include "std.gorth"

func main : int do
  "Hello, world!" println

This code pushes pointer to a null-terminated string "Hello, world" and its size onto the stack. After that puts pops these to arguments and prints this string to stdout.


Character is a single byte enclosed by single quotes ('). When character literal encountered the interpreter pushes its ASCII code onto the stack


include "std.gorth"

func main : int do
  '\n' putc


Only four types are supported for now: int, bool, ptr and fptr:

  • int - integer number
  • bool - boolean (true or false). 0 is treated as false, other numbers are converted to true
  • ptr - pointer in memory
  • fptr - pointer to function


Stack manipulation

Name Signature Description
dup a : a a duplicate an element on top of the stack.
swap a b : b a swap 2 elements on the top of the stack.
drop a b : a drops the top element of the stack.
over a b : a b a copy the element below the top of the stack
rot a b c : c a b rotate the top three stack elements.


Name Signature Description
= [a: int] [b: int] : [a == b : bool] checks if two elements on top of the stack are equal.
!= [a: int] [b: int] : [a != b : bool] checks if two elements on top of the stack are not equal.
> [a: int] [b: int] : [a > b : bool] applies the greater comparison on top two elements.
< [a: int] [b: int] : [a < b : bool] applies the less comparison on top two elements.
>= [a: int] [b: int] : [a >= b : bool] applies the greater or equal comparison on top two elements
<= [a: int] [b: int] : [a <= b : bool] applies the greater or equal comparison on top two elements.


Name Signature Description
+ [a: int] [b: int] : [a + b: int] sums up two elements on the top of the stack.
- [a: int] [b: int] : [a - b: int] subtracts two elements on the top of the stack
* [a: int] [b: int] : [a * b: int] multiples two elements on top of the stack
/ [a: int] [b: int] : [a / b: int] integer division of two elements on the top of the stack
% [a: int] [b: int] : [a / b: int] gets the reminder after integer diviion a by b


Name Signature Description
>> [a: int] [b: int] : [a >> b: int] right bit shift
<< [a: int] [b: int] : [a << b: int] left bit shift
| [a: int] [b: int] : [a | b: int] bit or
& [a: int] [b: int] : [a & b: int] bit and
^ [a: int] [b: int] : [a ^ b: int] bit xor
~ [a: int] : [~b: int] bit not


Name Signature Description
&& [a: bool] [b: bool] : [a && b: bool] logical AND
|| [a: bool] [b: bool] : [a || b: bool] logical OR
! [a: bool] : [!a: bool] logical NOT


Name Signature Description
!8 [byte: int] [place: ptr] : store a given byte at the address on the stack
@8 [place: ptr] : [byte: int] load a byte from the address on the stack
!16 [byte: int] [place: ptr] : store an 2-byte word at the address on the stack
@16 [place: ptr] : [byte: int] load an 2-byte word from the address on the stack
!32 [byte: int] [place: ptr] : store an 4-byte word at the address on the stack
@32 [place: ptr] : [byte: int] load an 4-byte word from the address on the stack
!64 [byte: int] [place: ptr] : store an 8-byte word at the address on the stack
@64 [place: ptr] : [byte: int] load an 8-byte word from the address on the stack


  • ??? - prints stack state
  • !!! - prints type stack size (only with -check option)
  • argc - pushes count of input arguments onto the stack
  • argv - pushes the pointer to the null-terminated list of pointers to the input arguments
  • env - pushes the pointer to the null-terminated list of pointers to the environment variables
  • assert - gets condition, pointer to the string literal and its size from the top of the stack and perform an exit if condition is false
  • puti - print top of the stack to standard output as a number
  • offset - acts like iota in Golang: gets top of the stack, adds it to its internal counter and pushes resulted value on top of the stack
  • reset - sets offset internal counter to zero

Cast types

  • cast(int) - converts top element of the stack to int
  • cast(bool) - converts top element of the stack to bool
  • cast(ptr) - converts top element of the stack to ptr
  • cast(fptr) - converts top element of the stack to fptr Cast intrinsics are needed only for type checking phase. They will be skipped at runtime.

System calls:

  • syscall{N} - perform system call (description: man 2 syscalls)

Supported syscall operations:

  • syscall0
  • syscall1
  • syscall2
  • syscall3
  • syscall4
  • syscall5
  • syscall6

For now only a few system calls are supported. See cat.gorth and basic-web-server.gorth as an example.

Control Flow


include "std.gorth"

func main : int do
  if dup 1 = do
  elif dup 2 = do
  elif dup 3 = do
  end puti '\n' putc drop

While loop

include "std.gorth"

// print all numbers
func main : int do
  0 while dup 10 <= do
    if dup 2 = do         // but skip 2
      1 +

    if dup 2 % 0 = do     // print only even ones
      dup puti '\n' putc

    1 +
    if dup 6 > do         // break if number is greater than 6
  end drop 0


include "foo.gorth"

Includes all tokens from foo.gorth to the current file. Circular imports are permitted. Import system remembers all inluded files, so it won't include file if it has been already inlcuded somewhere.


include "std.gorth"

// prints asterisk and given string
func print_item do
  " * " puts println

func main : int do
  argv while dup @32 dup 0 != do
    dup strlen print_item
    sizeof(ptr) +
  end drop drop

Defines function with given name. You can use define and use your functions anywhere you want.

Function definition looks like this:

[inline] func <function_name>
  <input_type_1> <input_type_2> ... <input_type_M>
  <output_type_1> <output_type_2> ... <output_type_N> do
  // your code goes here

where all of input_type_K and output_type_L are from set {int, bool, ptr, any}.

inline functions work like macros - calling such function will be fully substituted with its body. Therefore returns and local allocs are not allowed inside inlined functions.

Return from function

func foo do
  0 while dup 10 < do
    if dup 5 > do drop return end
    dup puti
    1 +
  end drop

func main : int do


You can call ordinary function from itself. Recursion for inlined functions is not allowed. Here is the typical example of how the factorial function can be implemented using recursion:

func factorial int : int do
  if dup 2 < do
    1 return
  dup 1 - factorial

func main : int do
  5 factorial puti // -> "120"

Function pointers

There is an ability to get the pointer to the functions. Here is an example of how it works:

inline func f int : int do 2 * end

func g int : int do dup * end

func main : int do
  7 fptr-of f call-like g puti  // -> 14

Here fptr-of f pushes pointer to function f onto the stack, and call-like g pops this pointer from the stack and calls it as function with the same signature as function g.


const N 10 end
const M 10 end
const CHAR_WIDTH M 4 * 3 + end

Defines constant with given name and given value. Simple arithmetic and logical operations can be used to calculate const value. Constants may be delcared inside functions. Local constants CAN NOT HIDE global ones with the same name.

For example:

include "std.gorth"

const N 10 end

func main : int do
  N puti ' ' putc
  const N 20 end
  N puti '\n' putc

this code will not compile.

Constants should be one of the existing types: int, bool or ptr. Constants of type any are not allowed.

Memory Allocations

const N 100 end
alloc array N 1 + end

Allocates the region of memory of the given size. Simple arithmetic and logical operations can be used to calculate allocated region size. Allocations can be declared inside functions.

Local alloctaions CAN NOT HIDE global ones.

For example:

include "std.gorth"

alloc x 1 end

func main : int do
  13 x !8
  x @8 puti ' ' putc
  alloc x 1 end
  15 x !8
  x @8 puti ' ' putc

this code will not compile.

Allocations should be one of type int. Other types (bool, ptr or any) are not allowed.


There is an ability to capture current values from stack:

func main : int do
  1 2
  capture x int y int do
    3 4
    capture z int t int do
      z puti t puti x puti y puti
    end drop drop
    x puti y puti
  end drop drop

In this example x and y capture 1 and 2 from stack. After that 3 and 4 are being pushed onto the stack. Next, z and t capture 3 and 4. Note that capturing does not pop items from stack.

It is not allowed for the captured value name and constant, allocation of function to have the same name.

Capture blocks can be nested and can be placed inside while-loops and if(-else)-end blocks. breaks and continues inside a capture block are not allowed (though you can do return from capture block).

Type checking

Type checking is enabled by default. You can run your script with -disanble-typecheck option to disable type checking.

The process of type checking is quite similar to the process of interpretation the script. Type checker process all the script operations using types instead of actual numbers. Here are some type checking rules:

  • only one iteration of while-loop is processed, and after it the type stack should remain the same as before
  • both branches of if-else block are processed individually, and the results should be the same
  • every function gets the type stack filled with the types corresponding to its input type list and should push to the type stack arguments corresponding to its output type list (any can match any type)
  • in case of no else in if-block the "true" branch should not change the type stack
  • in case of having break or continue inside the while-loop the state of the type stack will be saved and checked at the end of processing the loop
  • in case of having return inside if-block or while-loop the state of the type stack will be saved and checked at the end of processing the function


Gorth is like Forth, but in Go







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