embeded webview for cordova app
This plugin is different with inappbrowser, You can load html page or external urls in the embeded webview, and control it directly.
This plugin was originally commissioned by [ZeGenie Inc] ze.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- cordova.EbWebview.open(url, param)
app.webview = cordova.EbWebview.open(encodeURI('http://www.bing.com'), 'left='+app.left+',top='+app.top+',width=320,height=200');
- load(url)
- show(), hide()
- setPosition(left, top)
- setSize(width, height)
- addEventListener(eventName, callback)
- removeEventListenenr(eventName, callback)
- executScript(injection, callback)
[Here is sample javascript file] sample