This repo demonstrates implementation of Django server for reading data from the sensor continuously (with Python support) and pushing them to the webpage
Django provides a great framework and its own project creation and app generation.
Saying that, means you can not use these files and just run this code.
Basically, you have to create your project with Django.
You can follow simple guidelines given here: Start your first project and app with Django.
I have provided the Django version 1.9 link here because this project was tested with the same. However, you can try using recent version as well.
The main project starts under "DAWebServer" folder.
Create a project using:
django-admin startproject DAWebServer
Start your app using:
python daweb
and add the link in "DAWebServer/", here "daweb" is the app
Edit other files according to following steps.
Create the "index" as a general step in Django to host the "home.html". Also, create the functions for reading your sensor data in "daweb/"
def get_sense1(request):
results = round(random.random(), 3) # Your Python function for reading sensor 1 values
return HttpResponse(results)
Refer the created functions in "DAWebServer/"
url(r'^get_sense1/$', 'daweb.views.get_sense1', name='get_sense1'),
Read and push the data to the webpage through "daweb/templates/home.html"
<div style="width:100%" align="middle">
<div><b>The sensor 1 value:</b></div>
<div id="sensor1"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
var my_refresh = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000); // "1000ms"
This code is quite self-explainatory. It uses ajax js funciton from jquery which loaded through:
<script src=""></script>
keeps updating only the field of interest every one second (1000ms), here it is "sensor1".
Run the server using:
python runserver 0:8080
This allows you to access the webpage within the network at:
One can create such project and just copy paste the code of the respective files. You can also create interactive web interface by creating buttons to get the data. However, streaming the data is a challenge where this repository aims to solve it.
Enjoy continuous streaming of your sensor data to the webpages from the devices like RaspberryPi.