Hello world! This repository contains solutions to adventofcode
puzzles for the year 2022.
- My solutions will primarily be in the Python programming language, but I am intending to add solutions in some auxiliary languages that I've been looking to learn as well.
- I'll be using
Python 3.10
- My submissions maybe erratic. I will also not submit solutions until at least 24 hours after the problem has released.
- I am also not intending to use 3rd party libraries and using the standard library only.
- Feedback on my solutions are welcome and appreciated. See Contributing for more details.
π Day | π π½ Title | π Python |
01 | Calorie Counting | 01 Sol |
02 | Rock Paper Scissors | 02 Sol |
03 | Rucksack Reorganization | 03 Sol |
04 | Camp Cleanup | 04 Sol |
05 | Supply Stacks | 05 Sol |
06 | Tuning Trouble | 06 Sol |
07 | No Space Left on Device | 07 Sol |
08 | Treetop Tree House | 08 Sol |
09 | Rope Bridge | 09 Sol |
10 | Cathode-Ray Tube | 10 Sol |
11 | Monkey in the Middle | 11 Sol |
12 | Hill Climbing Algorithm | 12 Sol |
13 | Distress Signal | 13 Sol |
14 | Regolith Reservoir | 14 Sol |
15 | Beacon Exclusion Zone | 15 Sol |
16 | Proboscidea Volcanium | 16 Sol |
17 | Pyroclastic Flow | 17 Sol |
18 | Boiling Boulders | 18 Sol |
19 | Not Enough Minerals | 19 Sol |
20 | Grove Positioning System | 20 Sol |
21 | Monkey Math | 21 Sol |
22 | Monkey Map | 22 Sol |
23 | Unstable Diffusion | 23 Sol |
24 | Blizzard Basin | 24 Sol |
25 | Full of Hot Air | 25 Sol |