This Wallet Application is a simple Kotlin-based web project using Javalin to serve a web page and handle backend logic. The project includes a Wallet.kt
Kotlin file as the main class and a home.html
file for the frontend.
- JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.8 or higher 'sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk'
- Kotlin 1.7.10 or higher (1.9.21)
- Gradle Build Tool (preferably the latest version)
- An IDE that supports Kotlin (1.82.2)
- Maven (3.6.3)
- Javalin (5.6.3)
- src/main/kotlin/com/wallet/Wallet.kt: Main Kotlin file for backend logic.
- src/main/resources/ : Static HTML file(s) for the frontend.
- Clone or download the project to your local machine.
- Open the project in your IDE.
- Ensure that the JDK is properly set up in your IDE.
- Navigate to the root directory of the project via the terminal or command prompt.
- Run the following command to build the project: 'gradle clean build'
- To use the Gradle Wrapper use './gradlew clean build'
- If ./gradlew permission is denied run 'chmod +x gradlew'
- If the build is successful, you should see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the terminal.
To run the application, execute: '''gradle run''' or '''./gradlew run'''
Once the application starts, it will be accessible at
. -
Open a web browser and navigate to
to view thehome.html
- The
file is served as a static file by the Javalin server running inWallet.kt
. - Any changes to the Kotlin files will require a rebuild of the project.
- For detailed information on the project's functionality and API endpoints, refer to the inline comments in the
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contact @NinjaAssPirate | @KitBaroness