- Everything is taken care by the Bilobe installer
- Just follow the installation instructions.
Once the building and installation of Bilobe is done, you can follow the below instruction according to your OS:
On UNIX-Based Systems you can start it from your terminal by the command bilobe
On Windows OS, u can start it by just running the .exe file that you have downloaded
Alternatively you can create a file with the extension .bi
and in the terminal type bilobe /path/to/file.bi
to compile and run the program.
For a idea on the content of the file, check out the sample.bi
file in the repo.
UNIX-Based Systems:
git clone https://github.com/GNVageesh/Bilobe.git
bash install.sh
Alternatively you can download the .sh file from the Bilobe Releases page.
And then run the following command to make it executable.
chmod +x /path/to/file/Bilobe-xxx.sh
And running it by
Further to access it system-wide, copy it to the bin folder by running
sudo cp /path/to/Bilobe-xxx.sh /usr/bin/
On DEBIAN Based Linux Systems you can download the
file from the releases page. -
cd /path/to/bilobe-xxx-Linux.deb
sudo dpkg -i bilobe-xxx-Linux.deb
This will automatically adds Bilobe to
, making bilobe globally available for use
This will run the Bilobe script installer and it will automatically install all the required application according to your system's package manager and will enable bilobe command globally.
Windows OS
- On Windows, WSL or WSL2 is required to run and get the necessary files.
- Alternatively you can download the .exe file from Bilobe Releases Page.
UNIX-Based Systems
cd /to/the/bilobe/repoFolder
bash update.sh
Alternatively you can download the .sh file from the release page that will be updated with the new version, and follow the same steps of the alternative installation procedure
This will pull the code from the repo and rebuild Bilobe with the new version.
Windows OS
- You can delete the older version of Bilobe and install the latest version, which will be released at the same time when released for UNIX Systems
UNIX-Based Systems
cd /to/the/bilobe/repoFolder
bash uninstall.sh
This will remove bilobe completely form your system.
Windows OS
- You can just remove Bilobe by just deleting the .exe file that you had downloaded before
Though the Bilobe executable file is released simultaneously with the build release, you wont be able to use Bilobe throughout your Windows machine, unless u dont add the .exe file to the system path. A wave to tackle this until an installer release of Bilobe is made for Windows, you can use the Windows Sub-System For Linux(WSL or WSL2), with which u can do all the setup that can be done on UNIX-Based Systems.
Function | Examples | Result | Description |
lnp() | lnp("I am Bilobe") |
I am Bilobe | Prints the text |
lens() | lens("Bilobe") |
6 | Prints the length of a String |
leni() | lens(89243) |
5 | Prints the length of a number |
exit() | exit(bi) |
Exit Bilobe from the console | |
# | # This is a comment |
Commenting in Bilobe starts with a # | |
Maths | (2+2)^2/2*2+2-2 |
16 | Basic Maths like a calculator |
--> Provides the available Syntax with examples in Bilobe