Code repository for paper titled "Bayesian adaptive calibration and optimal design" (BACON) accepted at NeurIPS 2024.
We consider the problem of calibration of computer simulators from a Bayesian adaptive experimental design (BAED) perspective. Our focus with this project is on complex simulation problems where the cost of running simulations is too high to allow for traditional BAED methods, which require many evaluations of the likelihood to sample from the posterior or evaluate predictive distributions. We, instead, model a simulator as a sample from a Gaussian process and treat the optimal parameters as a latent input, which can then be inferred via variational inference methods. A lower bound on the expected information gain allows for joint optimisation of both the design inputs and the variational posterior during the sequential experimentation process.
A preprint is currently available on ArXiv as 2405.14440.
Data from the paper results for the synthetic experiment and the location-finding experiment is available under paper_results/
and can be plotted with the Jupyter notebook plotting.ipynb
To rerun a trial of each experiment, please follow the instructions below.
- Python 3.11
- Packages: see
To run the experiments, you will need to install the Python version above and the packages in requirements.txt
. One of the most convenient ways to do so is via virtual environment using Python's native virtual environment module venv
or some higher-level toolbox, like Anaconda. With a suitable version of Python is installed, the environment can be setup with venv
by running on a terminal under this package's root directory:
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For the location finding experiment, run:
python LocationFindingProblem\
VBMC FullGPRandomStrategy FullGPIMSPEStrategy FullGPVariationalStrategy FullGPEntropyStrategy\
-A 4000 -B 4 -C 20 -I 20 -R 20 -T 30 -S 256 -d 2 --noise 0.5\
--timeout 480 --strategy-settings config/strategy-location.yaml\
--true-theta config/location-theta.csv -o experiments/location\
The synthetic experiment with simulators drawn from a Gaussian process prior operated with two pre-sampled problems under data/fixed-problems
. To run the first example, with a unimodal target posterior, run:
python data/fixed-problems/strategy-20240521-031132.674517\
VBMC FullGPRandomStrategy FullGPIMSPEStrategy FullGPVariationalStrategy FullGPEntropyStrategy\
-A 4000 -B 4 -C 20 -I 20 -R 5 -T 50 -S 256 -d 2 --timeout 480\
--strategy-settings config/strategy-synthetic.yaml -o experiments/synthetic1
The second example, with a bimodal posterior, can be run with:
python data/fixed-problems/strategy-20241025-152913.295464\
VBMC FullGPRandomStrategy FullGPIMSPEStrategy FullGPVariationalStrategy FullGPEntropyStrategy\
-A 4000 -B 4 -C 20 -I 20 -R 5 -T 50 -S 256 -d 2 --timeout 480\
--strategy-settings config/strategy-synthetic.yaml -o experiments/synthetic2