In the following you can find quick installation and usage procedure
wget -O
bash -b -p
conda update -q conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate cts
pip install -r requirements.txt
build and install python-opcua as in OpcUaCameraSlowControl/python-opcua
build and install python-can as in OpcUaCameraSlowControl/BUS-SST1M
then run
python build
and eventually if you need to integrate it to your environement
python install
Start by running the server
$ source activate ctapipe
(ctapipe) $ python cts_opcua/ angle
where angle can be 0, 120 or 240.
As soon as WARNING:opcua.server.binary_server_asyncio:Listening on
is shown, you can control the CTS with any OpcUa client which is compatible with methods.
The structure of the OpcUa server is discribed in cts_opcua/
Once the OpcUa server is running, an ICS interface is available as well. see cts_acs/ for more details.