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Angular Assisted Token Example

Quality Availability

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 8.3.21.

Quick Start

In this example, an API call is made using access token received from a Curity server after authentication using the "assisted token flow". The client uses the Angular framework and shows how to use this development tool to perform the assisted token flow. For that, it calls a RESTful API that is hosted in a separate node server. To start both, simply invoke the following command:

npm start

Then, navigate to http://localhost:4200 in a web browser.

You can make changes to the Angular single-page application (SPA) to perform your own experimentation. If you do, the changes you make to the app's source files will automatically reload. If you change the API that the client invokes, you do not need to start the node API server. To do this, run ng serve instead of npm start. If you want to start only the API, you can do so with the command node server/server.js.

npm start

The Curity Identity Server Configuration

In order to run this example you need to setup some configurations in the Curity Identity Server. The easiest way is to download and install the sample configuration from the Curity developer portal. This sample configuration already has an authentication profile and an OAuth profile that can be used with this example. The OAuth profile also has a client app configured that can be used -- client-assisted-example.

If you are not using the sample configuration, then you need to make sure the following configuration changes are made before you use this example.

  1. Login into the Admin UI and make sure that you have uploaded a valid license under System -> General.


  2. Go to Token Service profile and make sure that at least Implicit Flow and Assisted Token are enabled on the Client Settings page of that profile.


  3. Go to the Clients page of the profile and create a client called client-assisted-example.


  4. This client (accessible from Token Service -> Clients -> client-assisted-example -> Edit Client) should have Implicit Flow and Assisted Token capabilities selected under the Capabilities section.


  5. Navigate to OAuth/OpenID Settings section make sure to add openid scope.


  1. Update the Redirect URIs and Allowed Origins settings for the client-assisted-example Client. The redirect URI should have http://localhost:4200. This is the URL where the Angular CLI will be hosting the SPA. The allowed origin should be the same or, for testing purposes, you can also use *.



  2. Commit the changes and you are all setup.

If you compare the final config with the sample config, then you will find the following salient differences.

        <!-- ... -->

Integrating with an Angular App

To integrate this example into actual Angular app, you need to copy AppComponent (app.component.html and app.component.ts) into your project and add this component into your app module. The second thing that is needed is to copy the AuthInterceptor.ts and assistant.service.ts files into your project and add them into your Module providers as shown below.

	declarations: [AppComponent],
	imports: [BrowserModule, HttpClientModule],
	providers: [
			useClass: AuthInterceptor,
			multi: true
	bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

You also need to add HttpClientModule in your Module imports as shown in the above code.

The last thing required is to configure the environment variables like issuer, clientId, apiUrl and authServerOrigin. The following is an example of these environment configuration settings (which are similar to those in src/environments/*.ts):

export const environment = {
	production: false,
	issuer: "https://localhost:8443/",
	clientId: "client-assisted-example",
	apiUrl: "",
	authServerOrigin: "",
	openIdConfigurationUrl: "oauth/v2/oauth-anonymous/.well-known/openid-configuration"

Building the Sample

Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist directory. Use the -prod flag to create a production build.

More Help with Angular CLI

To get more help on the Angular CLI, use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

More Information

For more information about Curity, its capabilities, and how to use it with Angular and other app development frameworks, visit For background information on using Curity for API access, consult the API integration section of the Curity developer manual. For additional insights in how to use Curity with microservices and APIs from SPAs, read How to Control User Identity within Microservices on the Nordic APIs blog. You may also be interested in validating tokens sent from the Angular front-end in a gateway like Apigee or NGINX.


This software is copyright (C) 2019 Curity AB. It is open source software that is licensed under the Apache 2.