This package contains a library MakeFile
with datatypes
to describe the structure of makefiles and print them
in the standard makefile syntax.
Furthermore, the package also contains a tool to generate
a makefile for a Curry application.
> cypm install makefile
This installs the executable curry-genmake
in the bin directory
of CPM.
In the simplest case, run the executable with the main module of the application as an argument, e.g.,
> curry-genmake Main
This should output a makefile. There are further options to write
the output into a file or provide some name to which the main executable
will be linked when installing the application with the makefile
(use option --help
If the application needs a specific load path for modules,
this load path must be set via the environment variable CURRYPATH
For instance, to generate a makefile for some package managed with CPM,
one can use the CPM command cpm exec
inside the package directory,
> cypm exec curry-genmake Main