NASA EOSDIS' DAACs (1) are progressively made available on the cloud,
in Amazon S3™ region us-west-2
Direct S3 access is achieved by passing NASA supplied temporary credentials to AWS®, so we can interact with S3 objects from applicable EarthData Cloud buckets. For now, each NASA DAAC has different endpoints (URL) for requesting AWS credentials (2).
This MATLAB® function, loadAWSCredentials
, uses Earthdata credentials passed
as inputs or defined through environment variables EARTHDATA_LOGIN
, to get and load temporary DAAC-specific AWS credentials
for accessing datasets located in AWS/S3.
Currently, DAACs are located in AWS region us-west-2
and they can only be
accessed from this region. loadAWSCredentials
hence targets a workflow where
both the data and the compute (e.g., from a MATLAB instance running
in Amazon EC2®) are located on AWS in this region.
Amazon Web Services, AWS, are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.
Amazon EC2 is a registered service mark of Amazon Technologies, Inc.
Amazon S3 is a trademark of Amazon Technologies, Inc.
HDF is a registered trademark of The HDF Group
This work is derived from work that is Copyright © Openscapes (link) under a license adapted from The Turing Way. It uses the same dataset but focuses more on retrieving information about the data set. This material will ultimately be leveraged to improve the NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook directly.
Define environment variables EARTHDATA_LOGIN
using your Earthdata credentials.
We recommend to perform these calls outside of your project, so you do not share your credentials while sharing your project. A generallly suitable place to to it is
in MATLAB startup.m
Read and plot Sea Surface Temperature (SST).
For the following dataset:
the relevant DAAC is PODAAC and the relevant endpoint is:
daacCredentialsEndpoint = "";
These credentials are temporary; they expire every 30 minutes or so and must be refreshed periodically.
We use MATLAB HDF5® interfaces for interacting with netCDF files on the cloud, because the HDF5 infrastructure is able to interact with netCDF4 files and is cloud-enabled, while netCDF interfaces are not.
locator = "s3://podaac-ops-cumulus-protected/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/";
datasetPath = "/sea_surface_temperature_4um";
Display information about the dataset:
h5disp(locator, datasetPath);
Dataset 'sea_surface_temperature_4um'
Size: 1354x2030x1
MaxSize: 1354x2030x1
Datatype: H5T_STD_I16LE (int16)
ChunkSize: 677x1015x1
Filters: deflate(5)
FillValue: -32767
'long_name': 'sea surface temperature'
'units': 'kelvin'
'_FillValue': -32767
'valid_min': -1000
'valid_max': 10000
'comment': 'sea surface temperature from mid-IR (4 um) channels; non L2P core field'
'scale_factor': 0.005000
'add_offset': 273.149994
'coordinates': 'lon lat'
'coverage_content_type': 'physicalMeasurement'
We see that the unit is Kelvin and that the offset corresponds exactly to the difference between the Celsius and Kelvin scales. We can then omit to read/add the offset and, after scaling, get SST directly in Celsius.
Read SST and attributes:
data = h5read(locator, datasetPath);
name = h5readatt(locator, datasetPath, "long_name");
scaleFactor = h5readatt(locator, datasetPath, "scale_factor");
fillValue = h5readatt(locator, datasetPath, "_FillValue");
Clean and scale the data:
data(data==fillValue) = NaN;
data = double(data) * double(scaleFactor);
Read coordinates:
lat = h5read(locator, "/lat");
lon = h5read(locator, "/lon");
Build filled contour plot with 15 levels and set color limits to the 4°C-30°C range:
contourf(lon, lat, data, 15, EdgeColor="none");
Build title based on the dataset (long) name:
title(sprintf("%s [C]", name));
The license is available in the License.txt file in this GitHub repository.
Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.