Note: project under heavy development!
UCFS is an Universal Context-Free Solver: a tool to solve problems related to context-free and regular language intersection. Examples of such problems:
- Parsing
- Context-free path querying (CFPQ)
- Context-free language reachability (CFL-R)
├── solver -- base ucfs logic
├── benchmarks -- comparison with antlr4
├── generator -- parser and ast node classes generator
├── examples -- examples of grammars
└── test-shared -- test cases
└── src
└── test
└── resources -- grammars' description and inputs
UCFS is based on Generalized LL (GLL) parsing algorithm modified to handle language specification in form of Recursive State Machines (RSM-s) and input in form of arbitratry directed edge-labelled graph. Basic ideas described here.
Kotlin DSL for describing context-free grammars.
Example for A* grammar
A = "a"
S = A*
class AStar : Grammar() {
var A = Term("a")
val S by Nt().asStart(many(A))
val S by Nt()
Non-terminals must be fields of the grammar class. Make sure to declare using delegation by Nt()
Start non-terminal set with method setStart(nt)
. Or in initialization with Nt method asStart
Can be set only once for grammar.
val A = Term("a")
val B = Term(42)
Terminal is a generic class. Can store terminals of any type. Terminals are compared based on their content.
They can be declared as fields of a grammar class or directly in productions.
Example for Dyck language
S = S1 | S2 | S3 | ε
S1 = '(' S ')' S
S2 = '[' S ']' S
S3 = '{' S '}' S
class DyckGrammar : Grammar() {
val S by Nt().asStart()
val Round by Nt("(" * S * ")")
val Quadrat by Nt("[" * S * "]")
val Curly by Nt("{" * S * "}")
init {
//recursive nonterminals initialize in `init` block
S /= S * (Round or Quadrat or Curly) or Epsilon
$A \Longrightarrow B \hspace{4pt} \overset{def}{=} \hspace{4pt} AbyNt(B)$
Epsilon -- constant terminal with behavior corresponding to the
DSL provides access to the RSM corresponding to the grammar using the getRsm
The algorithm for RSM construction is based on Brzozowski derivations.