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/ dev-flow Public archive

Opinionated CLI that standardizes and automates common development tasks


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The dev-flow CLI is a tool for standardizing and automating common development tasks. It currently only supports GitHub for managing issues and pull requests, but is built to be easily extendible for additional tooling.

GitHub release

pipeline status Maintainability


Install Golang

If you haven't already, follow the Go installation instructions.

Install dev-flow

Install dev-flow like so:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go install

Provide a GitHub Access Token

dev-flow makes heavy use of GitHub and requires that a GitHub access token be provided in the GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. The following setup describes one way to provide this token securely using the OSX keychain.

  1. Create a GitHub access token if you haven't already.

  2. Install Summon and the summon-keyring provider.

  3. Store the GitHub access token in your OSX keychain:

    $ security add-generic-password -s "summon" -a "github/access_token" -w "insert-token-here"
  4. Create ~/.df-secrets.yml to store a reference to your token:

    GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: !var github/access_token
  5. Create an alias to run dev-flow with Summon:

    alias df='summon -p -f ~/.df-secrets.yml dev-flow'

That's it! You should now be able to use that alias to run dev-flow with the secrets it needs.

Provide a Slack API Token

dev-flow can be configured to deliver notifications via Slack bot to users involved with an issue when the state of an issue changes. To enable these notifications, you must provide the API token for a bot in the SLACK_API_TOKEN environment variable.

  1. Obtain the token for your Slack org's dev-flow app or, if need be, create an app yourself and retrieve its API token.

  2. Store the Slack API token in your OSX keychain:

    $ security add-generic-password -s "summon" -a "slack/api_token" -w "insert-token-here"
  3. Add the API token to ~/.df-secrets.yml:

    SLACK_API_TOKEN: !var slack/api_token

dev-flow should now be able to send messages to users when their attention is needed on an issue.

Configure Labels

dev-flow can apply labels during the lifecycle of a story. You can provide the names of these labels by creating ~/.df-config.yml like so:

  in_progress: 'in progress'
  in_review: 'review'

You must create these labels in your issue tracker before using them as dev-flow will not create them automatically.


Once dev-flow is installed, the following commands can be run from the root directory of a source-controlled project:

  • issues: list open issues.
  • issue [issue-key]: open issue in browser.
  • start [issue-num]: create branch, assign issue to self and update labels.
  • pullrequest (pr): create pull request for current branch into master.
  • codereview [username] (cr): create pull request into master and assign issue to user.
  • revise: reject pull request and assign issue back to pull request creator.
  • complete: merge pull request and (optionally) delete remote and local branches.

Sample Workflow

Alice and Bob both work on the CoolProject team at CoolOrg. They recently installed and configured dev-flow to automate some of the repetitive tasks that they must perform on a daily basis when contributing to CoolProject.

Alice just finished wrapping up her most recent task and decides it's time to find her next one. She takes a look at the current issues in the CoolProject repository:

$ df issues
52 - DRY up all the things (unassigned) [needs info]
67 - something or other needs tests (bob) [feature, in progress]
45 - fix this crazy bug! (unassigned) [bug, ready]

"That last one sounds like a fun challenge", Alice thinks to herself. Let's get more detail. She runs the issue command to open the issue in her browser:

$ df issue 45

After reading over the issue, She rolls up her sleeves and begins working on the issue:

$ df start 45
Assigned issue 45 to user alice.
Added label 'in progress' to issue 45.
[45--fix-this-crazy-bug b6a3fba] Issue 45 Started.
Branch '45--fix-this-crazy-bug' set up to track remote branch '45--fix-this-crazy-bug' from 'origin'.
Issue started! You are now working in branch: 45--fix-this-crazy-bug

Just like that, she has a local branch with an automatically generated name set up to track a remote branch. Not only that but the issue has been labeled to play nicely with Waffle. How convenient!

She proceeds to fix the crazy bug, commiting her work when necessary. Finally it's time to have someone review her work. She knows Bob is involved with the current project so she creates a pull request for him to review:

$ df cr bob

Meanwhile, Bob is sitting at his desk typing away when he suddenly receives a Slack notification from his friendly neighborhood dev-flow bot:

alice has requested your review on

Bob has a few minutes to spend checking out the pull request, so he opens the handy link in the Slack message and reviews Alice's work. His review includes a few suggested changes, so he kicks it back her way:

$ git checkout 45--fix-this-crazy-bug
$ df revise

Now it's Alice's turn to get a visit from dev-flow bot:

bob has requested changes on

She opens the link to read Bob's feedback and takes a few minutes to make the requested changes. Afterwards, she passes the story back to Bob:

$ df cr bob

Bob once again receives a notification from dev-flow bot and opens the link in his browser to verify the requested changes. Satisfied, he approves and merges the story into master:

$ df complete
Are you sure you want to merge 45--fix-this-crazy-bug [y/n]: y
Merged 45--fix-this-crazy-bug into master
Delete remote branch 45--fix-this-crazy-bug [y/n]: y
Remote branch deleted.
Delete local branch 45--fix-this-crazy-bug [y/n]: y
Deleted branch 45--fix-this-crazy-bug (was 2f3579e).
Local branch deleted.

With Alice's story merged and his own working environment nice and clean, Bob can continue on his merry way. Meanwhile, Alice receives one last notification from dev-flow bot to let her know that her story has been merged:

bob has merged your pull request

"Thanks, dev-flow bot!", thinks Alice, before she continues with her day.


We welcome contributions of all kinds to this repository. For instructions on how to get started and descriptions of our development workflows, please see our contributing guide.


This repository is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see LICENSE for more details.