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Support and FAQ

Stefano Brilli edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 5 revisions

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Usage Guides

Install for Offline Usage

Web MiniDisc is a full featured PWA (Progressive Web Application). This means that you can install it in your system and use it even without an internet connection. To install it, just head to the Web MiniDisc website and follow the procedure for your browser:


If you're thinking about donating to the project, thanks, I sincerely appreciate it.

However, I'm working on this project just to have fun, in my spare time, without serious commitment... and I would like to keep it this way. I've received a lot the appreciation from the MiniDisc community and that's more than enough reward for the work; so don't worry about donating.

If you still really want to donate, you could make a donation to a charity of your choice and let me know about that; that would be a great way of giving back. Alternatively, if you happen to have a spare MiniDisc laying around, you could get in touch with me and I'll send you the address for mailing it via the postal service. I'll keep it as a souvenir from the amazing MiniDisc community.

Does it support Hi-MD Mode?

No, Web MiniDisc supports only Standard Mode. However, you can still use Web MiniDisc with Hi-MD units; just make sure to set Standard Mode in your unit's menu.

Will you add Hi-MD support?

No, unfortunately this cannot be done in Web MiniDisc.

Which units are supported?

There's not an official list, that's because Web MiniDisc is not an official MiniDisc software. Most of the units should work fine but I'm aware that some do not work well (like

Full-Width Title Editing

Minidiscs have 2 slots for titles: the default, half-width one, used for Latin alphabet and half-width Katakana, and full-width one for Hiragana and Kanji.

Some Japanese players and remotes (models ending with 'K') have high resolution displays capable of displaying Hiragana and Kanji alphabets. Such devices will try to read the titles from the full-width slot first, then fall back to the half-width slot if the full-width one is empty. Devices with low resolution display will only show the title from the half-width slot.

More about this here: and here