This script takes a list of OUs and group Guids and call on Cisco Secure Endpoint's (formerly Cisco AMP for Endpoints) API to move computers in OU to desired group.
Config file should be in same folder as script, named cse_groupByOU.cfg and contain:
client_id = a1b2c3d4e5f6a7b8c9d0
api_key = a1b2c3d4-e5f6-a7b8-c9d0-e1f2a3b4c5d6
# Cloud selection. Set to eu for European Union, apjc for Asia Pacific, Japan, and Greater China or leave empty for North America.
# Example:
# cloud = eu
cloud =
recipient = name@somedomain
sender_email =
smtp_server = your.smtp.server
ldap_server =
ldap_port = 636
ldap_ssl = True
ldap_user =
ldap_password =
The file groups_and_OUs.txt should be in the same folder as the script and contain base DN and CSE Group guid separated by a colon, for example:
Much of the code is from the works of and