- 本職でいつも仲良くお世話になっているPdMの方を主人公としたシューティング・アクションゲームです(本人承諾済)
- PCでのみ動作します(スペースキーでパンを撃つ、カーソルキーで移動)
- Install **Golang 1.19.x: https://go.dev/doc/install
- Install yarn: https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install
- Install Docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install
- Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:daitasu/pan-shoot.git
- Run
go mod tidy
to install golang server dependencies - Run
cd frontend & yarn install
to install frontend dependencies
docker compose -d up
If you need DB auto migration, please run the following: (ref: golang-migrate)
migrate -database "postgresql://root:password@localhost:15432/devdb?sslmode=disable" -path db/migrations up
cd frontend/
yarn build
After build, an application bundle is produced under /frontend/dist/
go run cmd/main.go
Golang server serve with /static/
of routes as static files server.
After initialized, you can access the server at http://localhost:8080/static/ .