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Improve consistency of async client arguments
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Ensures arguments for request & method-functions (get/put/post etc.) have

Fixes #520.
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rymndhng committed May 16, 2020
1 parent ab3a85d commit 52cde30
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Showing 3 changed files with 187 additions and 138 deletions.
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -428,12 +428,19 @@ start an async request is easy, for example:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
;; :async? in options map need to be true
(client/get ""
{:async? true}
;; respond callback
(fn [response] (println "response is:" response))
;; raise callback
(fn [exception] (println "exception message is: " (.getMessage exception))))
(client/get ""
{:async true }
;; respond callback
(fn [response] (println "response is:" response))
;; raise callback
(fn [exception] (println "exception message is: " (.getMessage exception))))

;; equivalent using request
(client/request {:method :get
:url ""
:async true
:respond (fn [response] (println "response is:" response))
:raise (fn [exception] println "exception message is: " (.getMessage exception))})

All exceptions thrown during the request will be passed to the raise callback.
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126 changes: 56 additions & 70 deletions src/clj_http/client.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Automatically bound when `with-middleware` is used."

(defn- async-transform
(opt req :async)
(let [{:keys [respond raise]} req]
(when (some nil? [respond raise])
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "If :async? is true, you must pass respond and raise")))
(client req respond raise))

(client req)))

;; In versions of clj-http older than 3.11, the 3-arity invocation implied the
;; request should be handled as async
([req respond raise]
(client (assoc req :async true) respond raise))))

(defn wrap-request
"Returns a batteries-included HTTP request function corresponding to the given
core client. See default-middleware for the middleware wrappers that are used
by default"
(reduce (fn wrap-request* [request middleware]
(middleware request))
(wrap-request request default-middleware))
([request middleware]
(reduce #(%2 %1) request middleware))))

(def ^:dynamic request
"Executes the HTTP request corresponding to the given map and returns
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1149,74 +1168,43 @@
(wrap-request #'core/request))

(alter-meta! #'request assoc :arglists '([req] [req respond raise]))

;; Inline function to throw a slightly more readable exception when
;; the URL is nil
(definline check-url! [url]
`(when (nil? ~url)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Host URL cannot be nil"))))

(defn- request*
[req [respond raise]]
(if (opt req :async)
(if (some nil? [respond raise])
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"If :async? is true, you must pass respond and raise"))
(request (dissoc req :respond :raise) respond raise))
(request req)))

(defn get
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :get :url url}) r))

(defn head
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :head :url url}) r))

(defn post
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :post :url url}) r))

(defn put
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :put :url url}) r))

(defn delete
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :delete :url url}) r))

(defn options
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :options :url url}) r))

(defn copy
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :copy :url url}) r))

(defn move
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :move :url url}) r))

(defn patch
"Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate."
[url & [req & r]]
(check-url! url)
(request* (merge req {:method :patch :url url}) r))
(defn- request-method
([method url]
(check-url! url)
(request {:method method :url url}))
([method url req]
(check-url! url)
(request (merge req {:method method :url url})))
([method url req respond raise]
(check-url! url)
(request (merge req {:method method :url url :async true :respond respond :raise raise}))))

(defmacro ^:private def-http-method [method]
(def ~method (partial request-method ~(keyword method)))
(alter-meta! (resolve '~method) assoc
:doc ~(str "Like #'request, but sets the :method and :url as appropriate.")
:arglists '([~(symbol "url")]
[~(symbol "url") ~(symbol "req")]
[~(symbol "url") ~(symbol "req") ~(symbol "respond") ~(symbol "raise")]))))

(def-http-method get)
(def-http-method head)
(def-http-method post)
(def-http-method put)
(def-http-method delete)
(def-http-method options)
(def-http-method copy)
(def-http-method move)
(def-http-method patch)

(defmacro with-middleware
"Perform the body of the macro with a custom middleware list.
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[middleware & body]
`(let [m# ~middleware]
(binding [*current-middleware* m#
clj-http.client/request (reduce #(%2 %1)
clj-http.client/request (wrap-request clj-http.core/request m#)]

(defmacro with-additional-middleware
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180 changes: 118 additions & 62 deletions test/clj_http/test/client_test.clj
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Expand Up @@ -40,76 +40,132 @@

(deftest ^:integration roundtrip
;; roundtrip with scheme as a keyword
(let [resp (request {:uri "/get" :method :get})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body resp))))
;; roundtrip with scheme as a string
(let [resp (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:scheme "http"})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body resp))))
(let [params {:a "1" :b "2"}]
(doseq [[content-type read-fn]
[[nil (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:x-www-form-urlencoded (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:edn (comp read-string slurp)]
[:transit+json #(client/parse-transit % :json)]
[:transit+msgpack #(client/parse-transit % :msgpack)]]]
(let [resp (request {:uri "/post"
:as :stream
:method :post
:content-type content-type
:form-params params})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= params (read-fn (:body resp)))
(str "failed with content-type [" content-type "]"))))))
(testing "roundtrip with scheme as a keyword"
(let [resp (request {:uri "/get" :method :get})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body resp)))))
(testing "roundtrip with scheme as string"
(let [resp (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:scheme "http"})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body resp)))))
(testing "roundtrip with response parsing"
(let [params {:a "1" :b "2"}]
(doseq [[content-type read-fn]
[[nil (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:x-www-form-urlencoded (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:edn (comp read-string slurp)]
[:transit+json #(client/parse-transit % :json)]
[:transit+msgpack #(client/parse-transit % :msgpack)]]]
(let [resp (request {:uri "/post"
:as :stream
:method :post
:content-type content-type
:form-params params})]
(is (= 200 (:status resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= params (read-fn (:body resp)))
(str "failed with content-type [" content-type "]")))))))

(deftest ^:integration roundtrip-async
;; roundtrip with scheme as a keyword
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body @resp)))
(is (not (realized? exception))))
;; roundtrip with scheme as a string
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:scheme "http"
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body @resp)))
(is (not (realized? exception))))

(let [params {:a "1" :b "2"}]
(doseq [[content-type read-fn]
[[nil (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:x-www-form-urlencoded (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:edn (comp read-string slurp)]
[:transit+json #(client/parse-transit % :json)]
[:transit+msgpack #(client/parse-transit % :msgpack)]]]
(testing "roundtrip with scheme as keyword"
(testing "with async callback arguments"
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/post"
:as :stream
:method :post
:content-type content-type
:flatten-nested-keys []
:form-params params
_ (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= params (read-fn (:body @resp))))
(is (not (realized? exception)))))))
(is (= "get" (:body @resp)))
(is (not (realized? exception)))))
(testing "with respond and raise attributes"
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:async? true
:respond resp
:raise exception
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body @resp)))
(is (not (realized? exception))))))
(testing "round trip with scheme as string"
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/get" :method :get
:scheme "http"
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= "get" (:body @resp)))
(is (not (realized? exception)))))
(testing "roundtrip with error handling"
(testing "with async callback arguments"
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/error" :method :get
:scheme "http"
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (instance? Exception @exception))))
(testing "with respond and raise attributes"
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/error" :method :get
:scheme "http"
:async? true
:respond resp
:raise exception})]
(is (instance? Exception @exception)))))
(testing "roundtrip with response parsing"
(testing "with async callback arguments"
(let [params {:a "1" :b "2"}]
(doseq [[content-type read-fn]
[[nil (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:x-www-form-urlencoded (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:edn (comp read-string slurp)]
[:transit+json #(client/parse-transit % :json)]
[:transit+msgpack #(client/parse-transit % :msgpack)]]]
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/post"
:as :stream
:method :post
:content-type content-type
:flatten-nested-keys []
:form-params params
:async? true} resp exception)]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= params (read-fn (:body @resp))))
(is (not (realized? exception)))))))

(testing "with respond and raise attributes"
(let [params {:a "1" :b "2"}]
(doseq [[content-type read-fn]
[[nil (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:x-www-form-urlencoded (comp parse-form-params slurp)]
[:edn (comp read-string slurp)]
[:transit+json #(client/parse-transit % :json)]
[:transit+msgpack #(client/parse-transit % :msgpack)]]]
(let [resp (promise)
exception (promise)
_ (request {:uri "/post"
:as :stream
:method :post
:content-type content-type
:flatten-nested-keys []
:form-params params
:async? true
:respond resp
:raise exception})]
(is (= 200 (:status @resp)))
(is (= "close" (get-in @resp [:headers "connection"])))
(is (= params (read-fn (:body @resp))))
(is (not (realized? exception)))))))))

(def ^:dynamic *test-dynamic-var* nil)

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