49 commits
to master
since this release
- [Core] - Make guest emails configurable.
- [Core] - Allow clients to connect to room instances in different servers.
- [Core] - Improve login performance.
- [Core] - Add joystick like movement on movement buttons for mobile support and group actions on the side view.
- [Core] - Include maps generators and imports commands in administration panel.
- [Core] - Improved players default frames configuration option to try to load the avatar frames first.
- [Core] - Include trust proxy configuration.
- [Core] - Include random initial position option on rooms.
- [Feature] - Implement Objects importer command.
- [Feature] - Make sounds playable only on current player, for example steps audio.
- [Feature] - Add game rewards per player actions (login, share, etc.).
- [Feature] - Create score table for NPCs and/or players kills.
- [Feature] - Automatically pick up dropped items on hit.
- [Feature] - Include room option to disable players actions (like battle or specific attacks) for safe rooms.
- [Bug] - Shoot bullets angle errors because speed threshold.
- [Bug] - PvE sometimes enemies get idle and will not attack the player even when the enemy is set to be aggressive.
- [Bug] - If last hit is from a bullet sometimes is not killing the target.
- [Bug] - When a player is in a team the team invite button is not removed when you accept another player invite.
- [Bug] - Fix closing UIs on scene change.
- [Bug] - Fix minimap open/close behavior on scene change.
- [Bug] - Battle end runs mutliple times on PVE causing multiple drops.
- [Bug] - Respawn timers does not end.
- [Bug] - Players can attack while are dead.
- [Bug] - Respawn position -1000,-1000 is causing objects to jump over the screen.
- [Bug] - Players can pickup objects while death.
- [Bug] - Admin login errors are not showing any notifications.
- [Bug] - Connection room error would leave the user stuck on the player selection.
- [Bug] - Players keep walking after been killed and steps sound keeps running.
- [Bug] - Collisions groups and masks wrong values.
- [Bug] - Physical objects keep moving in a minimum speed on objects collisions with objects.
- [Bug] - Avoid error \Missing animationdefault_death.\ when login after death and player gets logged with 0 health.
- [Bug] - Lifebar keeps visible after player is death.
- [Bug] - PlayerSchema.inState property should be removed and replaced by BodyState.inState.
- [Bug] - NPCs collisions with walls is not working.
- [Bug] - Players drops missing validations end up in errors when searching on nodes outside the world grid.
- [Bug] - When a big room is been created by the first user, a second user will trigger the same room creation.
- [Bug] - Installer .env sample file breaking on strings.
- [Bug] - Modifiers chat message was not displaying translated snippets.
- [Bug] - Fix minimap position when open is over the player data box.
- [Bug] - Add user name on forgot password end page and style the page with the game layout.
- [Bug] - Respawn objects loading was loading more objects than required. Fix warning about Object not present in layerObjects.
- [Bug] - Admin panel edit fields with JSON data is not showing the data properly because the double quotes.
- [Bug] - Admin panel view and edit paths are not activating the navigation.
- [Bug] - Player isDeath method not found.
- [Bug] - Fix installer to listen on the correct URL and port provided by the user.
- [Bug] - Clan leave or disband breaks on storage error.
- [Bug] - Objects were not giving experience because missing configuration.
- [Bug] - Fix double login, users are been checked only in the current room state.
- [Bug] - Debug and fix the error "Property X not found in path parts", check LoginManager.createNewPlayer.
- [Bug] - On client side fix the error "this.gameRoom.onMessage is not a function".
- [Bug] - NPCs should stop chasing the user and end the battle if the user is death.
- [Bug] - When the NPCs hit walls the automoving reset could get stuck in the same place.