An IDE for the formal contract specification Symboleo is created using Xtext DSL generator. For installating and using the IDE, please take a look at the installation guide.
Symboleo is a formal contract specification language developed by Contract Specification and Modelling (CSM) Lab at Univeristy of Ottawa EECS department. The language aims to enable normative monitoring of smart contracts. Smart contracts are contracts that can monitor their performance (execution). They are a Cyber Physical System (CPS) that utilizes immutable ledgers (such as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Platforms, a.k.a. blockchains).
For more information of Symboleo, please refer the preprint of our accepted paper for RE'20 conference here.
The current version of the text editor created by Xtext has implemented the syntax of Symboleo. It provides the capability to write Symboleo contract specifications more easily (autofill and syntax highlighting).
Static type-checking, scoping and code-generation features will be added in the future.