Script and examples used for the USE paper
This repo includes i) the R scripts (Analysis) for replicating the analyses described in the paper Da Re et al., (2023), and ii) the R script (Example) for replicating the analyses of the distribution of Fagus sylvatica across west Europe (Italy, France and Spain).
The R script of the analyses provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the USE R package (Daniele Da Re, Enrico Tordoni and Manuele Bazzichetto) to uniformly sample the environmental space and collect pseudo-absences for species distribution modelling.
Data used: WorldClim bioclimatic variables (through the function raster::getData), sPlotOpen (Sabatini et al., 2021), and EU-Forest (Mauri et al., 2017). The sPlotOpen and EU-Forest datasets can be found here and here, respectively. Notice that these datasets may be updated in the future, so results presented in the R script may change accordingly. Please, mail to get the same data version used for the analysis of Fagus. Also, notice that these data are intended as a step-by-step description on how to use the UEsampling package. Finally, WorldClim, sPlotOpen and EU-Forest are open datasets, but please check their data usage license and follow the guidelines included in the related publications for citation.
The R script is roughly divided in three sections:
- Data from the above-mentioned sources are downloaded (WorldClim) and cleaned for the analyses.
- The uniform sampling of the environmental space is implemented (using the UEsampling package) to i) apply kind of a spatial thinning procedure for subsetting presence data of Fagus sylvatica, and ii) collecting background points within the environmental space.
- The obtained training and testing datasets are used to calibrate and validate, respectively, species ditribution models for Fagus sylvatica fitted using binary generalised linear models and random forest.