For some time now I felt that a blog would be a great way to get out of my head things I am learning and doing in my own time. I find this is the best way for me to learn, and gives an opportunity for others to see how I am going with learning and even provide some help or recommendations.
So this blog is simply me expressing what I have come to learn and how I have gotten there. Sometimes I might share some news or an opinion on something but the focus is primarily on what I have learned and how I have learned it.
Originally the website was built off Wordpress. I have however come to desire a simpler and more secure website. After some consideration and investigation I landed on HuGo and have built this site from HuGo, which of course uses Go.
When reviewing all the HuGo themes on the HuGo website, I found that I was really impressed with the Toha theme. If you like the theme of my website and are interested in using it for yours then check out the link below!
When looking at how I can provide resiliency and security to my website. There were some great cost effective options out there, but CloudFlare for free? I really couldn't find anything so powerful yet free.
I am using NGINX to serve up the HTML to any visitors to my site. Apache was a close second but the power of NGINX was far too compelling.
If you feel you can contribute to this site in some way to improve it or even to improve anything then please feel free to contact me -