spring-microservices-boilerplate is a boilerplate which is very helpful for java programmer and friendly to front end.
And build with:
And use specification-arg-resolver for filter.
NOTE If you need RSA sign check, you can use
of ValidateHelper
Build and Run [TOP]
$ cd <spring-microservices-boilerplate root path>
$ ./gradlew clean build bootRun
- Validate failed -> Response http status is 422(Unprocessable Entity)
- Server error -> Response http status is 500(Internal Server Error)
Usage [TOP]
Step 1: Import the init.sql to your database, I suggest you to use PostgreSQL [TOP]
Step 2: Config your application.yml to choose cache type and token store type. [TOP]
Step 3: Access resources with Swagger. [TOP]
Run it, Open your browser and access http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/.
NOTE Default port is 8080, you can modify it which key is
in application.yml.
You can test API by the tips.
You'll get a 429 response when you add a "Limit-Key" header value like "root" and request the api too often.
(3 times in 10 seconds, you can config it in application.yml).
Request with "Limit-Key" header:
and result is:
Deploy [TOP]
- Build war and use tomcat.
- Build jar and run
java -jar foo.jar
- Use Docker. You can build your docker image by Dockerfile. And run it with docker-compose.yml.
License [TOP]
Copyright (c) since 2015 saintdan