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P2P Market Data

A decentralized platform for sharing and validating financial market data across a peer-to-peer network.



P2P Market Data enables secure, distributed sharing of financial market data between trusted peers. It uses blockchain-inspired consensus mechanisms to validate data integrity and source reputation.

P2P Market Data


  • Decentralized P2P network for data sharing
  • Real-time market data validation
  • Reputation-based peer scoring
  • Data integrity verification
  • Configurable data sources
  • Dark/light theme support

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React + TypeScript + Vite
  • Backend: Go
  • UI Components: shadcn/ui
  • P2P Network: libp2p
  • Desktop: Wails
  • Database: PostgreSQL


# Clone repository
git clone
cd p2p_market_data

# Install dependencies
go mod download
cd frontend && npm install

# Setup database
psql -U postgres -f db/schema.sql

# Configure environment
cp .env.example .env


# Development
wails dev

# Build
wails build

Directory Structure

├── cmd/                    # Application entrypoints
│   └── app/               # Main application
├── pkg/                   # Core packages
│   ├── config/           # Configuration management 
│   │   └── loader.go     # YAML config loader
│   ├── data/             # Data persistence
│   │   ├── models/       # Data models
│   │   ├── postgres/     # PostgreSQL implementation
│   │   └── repository.go # Repository interfaces
│   ├── p2p/              # P2P networking
│   │   ├── host/         # libp2p host implementation
│   │   ├── message/      # P2P message definitions
│   │   └── protocol/     # Protocol handlers
│   ├── scheduler/        # Data collection scheduling
│   ├── scripts/          # Data source scripts
│   └── utils/            # Common utilities
└── frontend/             # React frontend
    ├── src/              # Frontend source code
    │   ├── components/   # React components
    │   ├── hooks/        # Custom React hooks
    │   └── types/        # TypeScript definitions
    └── public/           # Static assets

Process Details

Data Flow

  • External market data sources feed by using scrapping scripts (Can be shared)
  • Scheduler orchestrates data collection timing
  • Repository handles persistence and retrieval
  • P2P network enables decentralized data sharing
  • Frontend displays data through Backend API

Validation Flow

  • Collected data is broadcast to P2P network
  • Peers validate data authenticity and accuracy (Voting)
  • Consensus mechanism confirms validation
  • Peer reputation scores updated based on accuracy


  • Validated market data stored in PostgreSQL
  • Peer network information persisted in PostgreSQL
  • System configuration managed via YAML files