VDDate is a Swift library that offers a robust set of extensions for the Date struct, enhancing its capabilities and making date manipulation in Swift more intuitive and powerful.
- Convenience
s with components parameters year, month, day etc. - Convenience
s from string with format. - Static computed property
that can be mocked if needed. It's recommended to useDate.now
instead ofDate()
. - Helper vars:
. - var
, var for each component:day
etc, mutating subscript withCalendar.Component
. start(of: Calendar.Component) -> Date
.end(of: Calendar.Component) -> Date
.matches(DateComponents) -> Bool
.isInSame(Calendar.Component) -> Bool
.isCurrent(Calendar.Component) -> Bool
isEqual(to: Date, toGranularity: Calendar.Component) -> Bool
.number(of: Calendar.Component, from: Date) -> Int
numbers(of components: Set<Calendar.Component>, from: Date) -> DateComponents
components(_ components: Set<Calendar.Component>, from: Date) -> DateComponents
range(of: Calendar.Component, in: Calendar.Component) -> Range<Int>
- range of component, for examplerange(of: .day, in: .month)
returns smth like1..<32
.interval(byAdding: DateComponents) -> DateInterval
interval(of: Calendar.Component, in: Calendar.Component) -> DateInterval
number(of: Calendar.Component) -> Int
number(of: Calendar.Component, in: Calendar.Component) -> Int
struct with predefined format components.string(DateFormat) -> String
Note: Deprecated since iOS 15.0 in favor offormatted(FormatStyle)
.string(date: DateFormatter.Style, time: DateFormatter.Style) -> String
Note: Deprecated since iOS 15.0 in favor offormatted(FormatStyle)
.string(format: RelativeDateFormat<DateFormat>)
- method for converting formatting date relative to current (or any other) date. Note: Deprecated since iOS 15.0 in favor offormatted(RelativeDateFormatStyle)
name(of: Calendar.Component) -> String
ordinality(of: Calendar.Component, in: Calendar.Component) -> Int?
and convenience methods for each component likeday(in: Calendar.Component)
.- Minus operator for date returns TimeInterval.
adding(DateComponents) -> Date
adding(Int, Calendar.Component) -> Date
setting(DateComponents) -> Date
setting(Int, Calendar.Component) -> Date
compare(with: Date, toGranularity: Calendar.Component) -> ComparasionResult
nextWeekend(direction: Calendar.SearchDirection) -> DateInterval?
next(Calendar.Component, direction: Calendar.SearchDirection) -> Date
nearest(DateComponents) -> Date?
rounded(Calendar.Component, by: Int) -> Date
date rounded by some component, useful when you deal with regular time intervals.
All methods accept a Calendar
parameter and, in some cases, TimeZone
or Locale
I've introduced static variables: Calendar.default
, TimeZone.default
, and Locale.default
These variables serve as the default values for each respective method. You can modify each default
variable either globally or specifically for a given method.
Overload for Calendar
parameter globally:
Calendar.bootstrap(default: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian))
Use Calendar
parameter for a specific method:
date.start(of: .day, calendar: Calendar(identifier: .gregorian))
Tip: You can use TaskLocal
to set the default value for a specific task and it's subtasks.
extension Calendar {
static var local: Calendar = .autoupdatingCurrent
Calendar.bootstrap(default: .local)
Calendar.$local.withValue(Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)) {
print(Date.now.start(of: .day))
struct and functioneach(Int, Calendar.Component) -> DatesCollection
- Arithmetic operators: +, - between
, +, -, /, * betweenDateComponents
, +, - betweenDateComponents
. - Convenience static methods for each component like
. - Extensions on
, so now it possible to writedate + 2.days
. DateComponents
now is expressible by dictionary literal like[.day: 2, .month: 1]
- mutating subscript with
. rawValue: [Calendar.Component: Int]
- dictionary with components.
Create a Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.7
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "SomeProject",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dankinsoid/VDDate.git", from: "0.14.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "SomeProject", dependencies: ["VDDate"])
$ swift build
dankinsoid, voidilov@gmail.com
VDDate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.