To support research in streamflow monitoring network optimization, or more generally research where basin-based attributes are used as input, we need a dataset to represent a large set of unmonitored locations in river networks. The British Columbia Ungauged Basin (BCUB) dataset is intended to represent an approximate decision space for a monitoring optimization problem.
This repository contains the scripts used to generate the dataset, and to reproduce figures and validation components discussed in the associated paper. Users can find a condensed results file containing basin attributes and pour point and basin centroi cooridnates, or may use any of the basin region polygons ( provided to derive the sample for some or all of the study region. A detailed example is provided in the form of a Jupyter book to demonstrate the full process on a smaller region, Vancouver Island.
See the under setup_scripts/
for a description of the steps to carry out the full dataset replication. The process is demonstrated on a smaller region (Vancouver Island) in a Jupyter Book. Validation scripts can be found under validation/
The code provided in this repository is not intended to be a production-ready tool. The code is provided as-is, and is intended to be used as a reference for users to understand the process used to generate the dataset. The complete dataset was generated on an Intel Xeon CPU E5-2690 @ 2.60GHz with 128GB RAM running Ubuntu Linux. DEM processing steps for the the larger regions (Peace, Liard, Fraser) are memory intensive. Otherwise, the smaller regions were tested on six year old Intel i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz running Ubuntu Linux with an NVIDIA Quadro P2000 GPU. To get around the RAM issue, use lower resolution DEM, such as EarthENV DEM90, or set up the data processing in a much smarter way to aggregate smaller regions like the Caravan dataset.
Processing this dataset took plenty of time, and YMMV.
The code is provided under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 International license.