Releases: danyaridiger/vue3-extended-multiselect
Releases · danyaridiger/vue3-extended-multiselect
- Adding "icon" directory with svg-icon components.
- Adding BaseArrowIcon component.
- Adding CancelIcon component.
- Adding DoubleArrowIcon component.
- Adding InnerArrowIcon component.
- Adding LoaderIcon component.
- Adding TriangleArrowIcon component.
- Adding TriangleCircleArrowIcon component.
- Adding WideArrowIcon component.
- Removal of "copy" plugin and "transform" section from rollup.config.mjs.
- Removal of "rollup-plugin-copy" dev-dependency.
- Removal of "assets" and "images" directories with corresponding files.
- Adding "@babel/runtime" dev-dependency.
- Adding JSDoc blocks to tools.
- Fixing bug with the placeholder disappearing after switching the list of options.
- Adding link to page with live examples.
- Fixing bug with always basic icon filter.
- Fixing bug with rendering icon filter instead of loader icon filter.
- Fixing bug with "disabledPrimitiveOptions" prop accepting options of type "Array".