- App-in-a-day "Flaming Shoes" Team project at Bottega ... 2 weeks newbies!
- Built with Python, HTML5, and CSS.
- Needs navbar on everypage
- Needs more content
- Make a directory where you want your cloned folder to live
- Cd into that directory
$ cd DirectoryName
- Clone the repo by copying the repo orgin
$ git clone https://github.com/username/repo-name.git
- Change into the cloned repo
cd repo-name
- Open vscode
$ code .
- Get your task from the git master
- Open the terminal in vscode
- Create a new branch
$ git checkout -b yourName-task
- Start coding!!
- Finished a cool part
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "I added a really cool thing"
- Finished another cool part
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "I added another really cool thing"
- Go find your git master
- Push the code with your git master
- The following command will give an error saying there is no upstream. Copy and paste that code.
$ git push
- Walk, don't run to your git masters computer
Git master controls this part!
- Go to branches
- Go to the current branch for the person that pushed
- Create a pull request
- Auto Merge!
- Follow the green Buttons
- Pull down the latest code to the git masters computer
- Test The code on the git masters computer
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
- Conflict!
- Resolve Conflict
- Delete the code before the sources (====== and >>>>>>> symbols)
- When the code is satisfactory you will be able to click mark resolved
- Commit Merge
- Merge Pull Request
- Confirm Merge
- Pull down the latest code to the git masters computer
- Test the code on the git masters computer to make sure it all works
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
- Once everything works
- Delete the branch on github
- User and Git Master Go to the users computer
- Switch to master and pull down lastest code
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
- Delete your old branch
$ git branch -d branchName
- Get a new assignment and create a new branch
$ git checkout -b userName-task
- UI / UX
- Pages
- NavBar
- Homepage
- About
- Contact
- Footer
- Products
- Individual product
- Navbar
- Needs logo
- Links to every page
- Mobile friendly
- Footer
- Needs logo
- Social links (link it to hash)
- Links to every page
- Mobile friendly
- Homepage
- Open to you
- About
- Open to you
- Contact
- I want a contact form
- It doesn't have to function
- Products
- I want this data to not be hard coded in the html
- You need to get your product information from the database
- Individual product
- I should be able to click on a product and it should take me to that individual product page for more information.
- It should have more information than before such as a description, price, manufactor, more pictures, etc.
- Database
- Create a Shoe
- Get a Shoe
- Get all Shoes
- Update a Shoe
- Delete a Shoe
- Flask app should render all the html via templates Collapse