Summary :
This application provides the ability for a user to play a virtual piano (with VR), while using fully mapped hands (via Leap Motion). This allows for more accurate, real-to-life playing of a piano.
The user can choose to play on the virtual piano freely, highlighting his/her keystrokes, or practice by following a series of keystrokes read in by a sample song file.
Note : Unity was used for version control as only one of the groups computers could run/test the Oculus software reliably. Thus, changes were all sent and tested to one computer and commits were only made from that computer.
Build Requirements :
- Unity 2017.3.1f1
- Latest Oculus SDK
- Latest LeapMotion SDK
- Windows/Mac/Linux
Build Instructions (In Unity) :
- Platform - Windows/Mac/Linux Standalone
- Architecture - x86_64
Contributors :
- Daniel Rapacchietta
- Matthew Krebs
- Daniela Ibarra
- Vincent Liu