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eernstg committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent 0925466 commit 77a8d3c
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 112 deletions.
207 changes: 95 additions & 112 deletions working/0723-static-extensions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Author: Erik Ernst

Status: Draft

Version: 1.1
Version: 1.2

Experiment flag: static-extensions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,18 +57,24 @@ are only applicable to extensions that have an on-declaration, all other
extensions will continue to work exactly as they do today. In the example
above, the on-declaration of `E1` is `Distance`.

For example:
Here is an example where a static member is added to a class:

// Static members must ignore the type parameters. It may be useful
// to omit the type parameters in the case where every member is
// static.
// to omit the type parameters from the extension in the case where
// every member is static.
extension E2 on Map {
static Map<K2, V> castFromKey<K, V, K2>(Map<K, V> source) =>
Map.castFrom<K, V, K2, V>(source);

An extension with a generic on-declaration _D_ which is a class or an
enumerated type can implicitly inject certain kinds of constructors into
_D_, and they are able to use the type parameters of the extension. For

// Type parameters are used by constructors.
extension E3<K extends String, V> on Map<K, V> {
factory Map.fromJson(Map<String, Object?> source) =>
Expand All @@ -80,6 +86,22 @@ var typedMap = Map<String, int>.fromJson(jsonMap);
// bound of `K`.

This situation is just an abbreviated notation for a declaration where the
constructor declares its own handling of genericity:

// We could keep the type parameters of the extension, but they are now
// unused because the constructor declares its own type parameters.
extension SameAsE3 on Map {
factory Map<K, V>.fromJson<K extends String, V>(
Map<String, Object?> source
) => Map.from(source);

An extension can declare factories and redirecting generative constructors,
but it cannot declare a non-redirecting generative constructor.

Another motivation for this mechanism is that it supports constructors of
generic classes whose invocation is only allowed when the given actual type
arguments satisfy some constraints that are stronger than the ones required
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,6 +147,9 @@ Map<String, List<bool>> map3 = Map.fromString([]);

## Specification

This specification assumes that generic constructors have already been
added to Dart.

### Syntax

The grammar remains unchanged.
Expand All @@ -138,11 +163,9 @@ redirecting factory constructor redirects to a constructor that does not
exist, or there is a redirection cycle.*

In an extension declaration of the form `extension E on C {...}` where `C`
is an identifier or an identifier with an import prefix that denotes a
is an identifier (or an identifier with an import prefix) that denotes a
class, mixin, enum, or extension type declaration, we say that the
_on-declaration_ of the extension is `C`. If `C` denotes a non-generic
class, mixin, mixin class, or extension type then we say that the
_constructor return type_ of the extension is `C`.
_on-declaration_ of the extension is `C`.

If `C` denotes a generic class then `E` is treated as
`extension E on C<T1 .. Tk> {...}` where `T1 .. Tk` are obtained by
Expand All @@ -151,20 +174,20 @@ instantiation to bound.
In an extension of the form `extension E on C<T1 .. Tk> {...}` where `C`
is an identifier or prefixed identifier that denotes a class, mixin, enum,
or extension type declaration, we say that the _on-declaration_ of `E` is
`C`, and the _constructor return type_ of `E` is `C<T1 .. Tk>`.

In an extension of the form `extension E on F<T1 .. Tk> {...}` where `F` is
a type alias whose transitive alias expansion denotes a class, mixin, enum,
or extension type `C`, we say that the _on-declaration_ of `E` is `C`, and
the _constructor return type_ of `E` is the transitive alias expansion of
`F<T1 .. Tk>`.
the declaration is treated as if `F<T1 .. Tk>` were replaced by its
transitive alias expansion.

In all other cases, an extension declaration does not have an
on-declaration nor a constructor return type.

For the purpose of identifying the on-declaration and constructor return
type of a given extension, the types `void`, `dynamic`, and `Never` are not
considered to be classes, and neither are record types or function types.
For the purpose of identifying the on-declaration of a given extension, the
types `void`, `dynamic`, and `Never` are not considered to be classes, and
neither are record types or function types.

*Also note that none of the following types are classes:*

Expand All @@ -174,7 +197,9 @@ considered to be classes, and neither are record types or function types.

*It may well be possible to allow record types and function types to be
extended with constructors that are declared in an extension, but this is
left as a potential future enhancement.*
left as a potential future enhancement. It could be useful to be able to
denote a set of specific functions of a given type by declaring them as
static members of an extension on that function type.*

### Static Analysis

Expand All @@ -183,9 +208,13 @@ by specifying several errors.

It is a compile-time error to declare a constructor in an extension whose
on-type is not regular-bounded, assuming that the type parameters declared
by the extension satisfy their bounds. It is a compile-time error to invoke
a constructor of an extension whose instantiated on-type is not
by the extension satisfy their bounds.

*This is just a restatement of a compile-time error which is reported for
such invocations of the corresponding generic constructor.*

It is a compile-time error to invoke a constructor of an extension whose
instantiated on-type is not regular-bounded.

Tools may report diagnostic messages like warnings or lints in certain
situations. This is not part of the specification, but here is one
Expand All @@ -206,14 +235,15 @@ clashes with instance members as well.*
the section [Member Invocations][], which is used below. This concept
includes method invocations like `e.aMethod<int>(24)`, property extractions
like `e.aGetter` or `e.aMethod` (tear-offs), operator invocations like
`e1 + e2` or `aListOrNull?[1] = e`, function invocations like `f()`. Each
of these expressions has a _syntactic receiver_ and an _associated member
name_. With `e.aMethod<int>(24)`, the receiver is `e` and the associated
member name is `aMethod`, with `e1 + e2` the receiver is `e1` and the
member name is `+`, and with `f()` the receiver is `f` and the member name
is `call`. Note that the syntactic receiver is a type literal in the case
where the member invocation invokes a static member. In the following we
will specify invocations of static members using this concept.*
`e1 + e2` or `aListOrNull?[1] = e`, and function invocations like `f()`.
Each of these expressions has a _syntactic receiver_ and an _associated
member name_. With `e.aMethod<int>(24)`, the receiver is `e` and the
associated member name is `aMethod`, with `e1 + e2` the receiver is `e1`
and the member name is `+`, and with `f()` the receiver is `f` and the
member name is `call`. Note that the syntactic receiver is a type literal
in the case where the member invocation invokes a static member. In the
following we will specify invocations of static members using this

[Member Invocations]:

Expand All @@ -226,7 +256,7 @@ _explicitly resolved invocation_ of said static member of `E`.
order to manually resolve a name clash. At the same time, in Dart without
the feature which is specified in this document, this is the only way we
can invoke a static member of an extension (except when it is in scope, see
below), so it may be useful for backward compatibility.*
below), so it can also be useful because it avoids breaking existing code.*

Consider an expression `e` which is a member invocation with syntactic
receiver `C` and an associated member name `m`, where `C` denotes a class
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,45 +307,6 @@ enclosing declaration.
not the enclosing declaration. In other words, there is nothing new in this

#### The instantiated constructor return type of an extension

Assume that _D_ is a generic extension declaration named `E` with formal
type parameters `X1 extends B1, ..., Xs extends Bs` and constructor return
type `C<S1 .. Sk>`. Let `T1, ..., Ts` be a list of types. The
_instantiated constructor return type_ of _D_ _with actual type arguments_
`T1 .. Ts` is then the type `[T1/X1 .. Ts/Xs]C<S1 .. Sk>`.

*As a special case, assume that _D_ has an on-type which denotes a
non-generic class `C`. In this case, the instantiated constructor return
type is `C`, for any list of actual type arguments.*

*Note that such type arguments can be useful, in spite of the fact that
they do not occur in the type of the newly created object. For example:*

class A {
final int i;
extension E<X> on A {
A.computed(X x, int Function(X) fun): this(fun(x));
void main() {
// We can create an `A` "directly".
A a = A(42);
// We can also use a function to compute the `int`.
a = A.computed('Hello!', (s) => s.length);

*As another special case, assume that _D_ has no formal type parameters,
and it has a constructor return type of the form `C<S1 .. Sk>`. In this
case the instantiated constructor return type of _D_ is `C<S1 .. Sk>`,
which is a ground type, and it is the same for all call sites.*

#### Invocation of a constructor in an extension

Explicit constructor invocations are similar to explicitly resolved static
Expand All @@ -324,38 +315,18 @@ the formal type parameters declared by an extension.

An _explicitly resolved invocation_ of a constructor named `` in an
extension declaration _D_ named `E` with `s` type parameters and
on-declaration `C` can be expressed as `E<S1 .. Ss>`,
`E.C<U1 .. Uk>.name(args)`, or `E<S1 .. Ss>.C<U1 .. Uk>.name(args)` (and
similarly for a constructor named `C` using `E<S1 .. Ss>.C(args)`, etc).

*The point is that an explicitly resolved invocation has a static analysis
and dynamic semantics which is very easy to understand, based on the
information. In particular, the actual type arguments passed to the
extension determines the actual type arguments passed to the class, which
means that the explicitly resolved invocation typically has quite some
redundancy (but it is very easy to check whether it is consistent, and it
is an error if it is inconsistent). Every other form is reduced to this
explicitly resolved form.*

A compile-time error occurs if the type arguments passed to `E` violate the
declared bounds. A compile-time error occurs if no type arguments are
passed to `E`, and type arguments `U1 .. Uk` are passed to `C`, but no list
of actual type arguments for the type variables of `E` can be found such
that the instantiated constructor return type of `E` with said type
arguments is `C<U1 .. Uk>`.

*Note that we must be able to choose the values of the type parameters
`X1 .. Xs` such that the instantiated constructor return type is
exactly `C<U1 .. Uk>`, it is not sufficient that it is a subtype thereof,
or that it differs in any other way.*

A compile-time error occurs if the invocation passes actual type arguments
to both `E` and `C`, call them `S1 .. Ss` and `U1 .. Uk`, respectively,
unless the instantiated constructor return type of _D_ with actual type
arguments `S1 .. Ss` is `C<U1 .. Uk>`. In this type comparison, top types
like `dynamic` and `Object?` are considered different, and no type
normalization occurs. *In other words, the types must be equal, not
just mutual subtypes.*
on-declaration `C` can be expressed as ``, or (if it is a
generic constructor) `<T1 .. Tk>(args)`.

An explicitly resolved invocation of a constructor named `C` in an
extension declaration _D_ named `E` with `s` type parameters and
on-declaration `C` can be expressed as ``, or (if it is a
generic constructor) `<T1 .. Tk>(args)`.

*We might be able to allow invocations of the form `E(args)`, but they are
probably too confusing for a reader who does not know that it is a
constructor invocation which could have been written as `C(args)` where `C`
is the on-declaration of `E`.*

*Note that explicitly resolved invocations of constructors declared in
extensions are a rare exception in real code, usable in the case where a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,18 +355,24 @@ If `m` is zero and `E` is an accessible extension with on-declaration `C`
that declares a static member whose basename is `name` then the invocation
is a static member invocation *(which is specified in an earlier section)*.

Otherwise, assume that _kj_ is a constructor declared by an extension _D_
named `E` with type parameters `X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs`,
on-declaration `C`, and on-type `C<S1 .. Sm>`. Find actual values
`U1 .. Us` for `X1 .. Xs` satisfying the bounds `B1 .. Bs`, such that
`([U1/X1 .. Us/Xs]C<S1 .. Sm>) == C<T1 .. Tm>`. This may determine the
value of some of the actual type arguments `U1 .. Us`, and others may be
unconstrained (because they do not occur in `C<T1 .. Tm>`). Actual type
arguments corresponding to unconstrained type parameters are given as `_`
(and they are subject to inference later on, where the types of the actual
arguments `args` may influence their value). If this inference fails
then remove _kj_ from the set of candidate constructors. Otherwise note
that _kj_ uses actual type arguments `U1 .. Us`.
Otherwise, assume that _kj_ is a generic constructor declared by an
extension _D_ named `E` with type parameters
`X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs`, on-declaration `C`, and return type
`C<S1 .. Sm>` (or _kj_ is a non-generic constructor that gets the same type
parameters and type arguments from the enclosing extension).


Find actual values `U1 .. Us` for `X1 .. Xs` satisfying the bounds
`B1 .. Bs`, such that `([U1/X1 .. Us/Xs]C<S1 .. Sm>) == C<T1 .. Tm>`. This
may determine the value of some of the actual type arguments `U1 .. Us`,
and others may be unconstrained (because they do not occur in
`C<T1 .. Tm>`). Actual type arguments corresponding to unconstrained type
parameters are given as `_` (and they are subject to inference later on,
where the types of the actual arguments `args` may influence their
value). If this inference fails then remove _kj_ from the set of candidate
constructors. Otherwise note that _kj_ uses actual type arguments
`U1 .. Us`.

If all candidate constructors have been removed, or more than one candidate
remains, a compile-time error occurs. Otherwise, the invocation is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,6 +434,12 @@ This fully determines the dynamic semantics of this feature.

### Changelog

1.2 - Feb 6, 2025

* Change the text to rely on generic constructor declarations, rather
than introducing a new mechanism which is only used with extensions.
* !!!TODO!!!

1.1 - Aug 21, 2024

* Extensive revision of this document based on thorough review.
Expand Down

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