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dashboard screenshot

this project contains:

├── CHANGELOG - git log --oneline --decorate --simplify-by-decoration | grep tag > CHANGELOG
├── - you are reading it!
├── borough-data.Report - .pbip format for report
├── borough-data.SemanticModel - .pbip format for data model (tmdl)
├── boundaries - topojson for pbi
├── data - using only online sources ensures "scheduled refresh" works
├── docs - screenshots
├── style - viridis palette
└── ward-dashboard.pbip - pbip project report

note on statistical/political geographies

they don't line up

currently we are using 2021 output areas (where possible), these are the smallest unit of aggregation, and can be fairly accurately assigned to wards, although there are many OAs that don't fit perfectly.

map showing oas overlapping wards