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Releases: dataiku/dss-visual-edit


13 Jan 12:24
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What's Changed

Use the same font in the webapp as in the rest of the Dataiku interface (by @fabienDaou in #9)

Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4


07 Oct 17:34
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What's Changed

  • Bug fix: when using the data table's filter on numerical columns, 0 and empty values weren't filtered out (by @fabienDaou in #7)
  • Misc: pandas version is now 1.3 by default, to maximize compatibility with older versions of Dataiku. If you are updating the plugin and want to update your code environment, you will have to:
    • Go to the plugin administration page and disassociate the current code environment.
    • Go to the code environments administration page.
    • Delete the Visual Edit code environment, by default the name is plugin_visual-edit_managed.
    • Go to the plugin administration page and create a new code environment.

Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3


07 Aug 13:21
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Bug fix to be compatible with Dataiku 13.0.2.


19 Jun 15:52
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Plugin components were renamed: they are now prefixed with the plugin ID ("visual-edit"). Please follow these steps on projects using v2.0.0 of the plugin:

  • Remove previous Replay Edits and Apply Edits recipes (this won't impact the _editlog, _edits and _edited dataset).
  • Restart previous Visual Webapps; this will automatically recreate the recipes, using the new IDs.
  • Remove and recreate "empty editlog" steps in any scenarios that use them.


29 May 14:33
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The goal of this release is to harden code in order to make it publicly available. It consists of bug and security fixes. For this reason, we strongly encourage to use this new version. Check out the new installation instructions and this guide to upgrade projects based on previous versions.


  • [NEW] The plugin now supports python 3.9 and Pandas library version is now 1.5.
  • [DEPRECATED] Python 3.7 is not supported anymore.
  • [NEW] Linked records now work with columns backed by an integer storage type being the primary key.


  • Editing columns corresponding to a SQL based linked dataset with more than 1000 records now works.
  • Failure to edit a column is now properly communicated in the interface.
  • In your dev setup, debug level logs are now visible if DEBUG_MODE is true (see launch.json)


  • An SQL injection was possible when fetching the linked records. This is now fixed. You may be vulnerable if your linked records contain data from untrusted sources. We encourage you to upgrade to this version.


  • JS/CSS/assets are now embedded in the web app. The plugin is not reliant on external CDN anymore.
  • No more silent exceptions. All exceptions result in logs helping the debugging experience.
  • The web app configuration is validated against a schema. It helps by preventing the backend from starting with an invalid configuration and then encountering errors later during edition.
  • Add more typing for static code analysis.
  • Some code cleanup (dead or useless code).
  • Documentation improvements.

Full Changelog: v1.8.12...v2.0.0