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Security: datakaveri/dx-acl-apd


Thanks for reporting the vulnerability issue! 🖖
If you find any potential vulnerabilities in Data Exchange servers, please report it to us in a confidential way by adding the following content in the email:

From: <email-ID>
To: DX Admin <>, DX Support <>
Subject: Vulnerability report
Attachement: <screenshots, reports, videos, etc., > 
    Type of the issue: <ex: SQL Injection>,
    Affected files: <path to affect files>,
    Prerequisities: <configurations to reproduce the issue>,
    Steps: <All the steps to follow to reproduce the issue>,
    Impact of the issue: <About the issue causing any further problems>,
    Anything else: <links? references? anything that will give us more context about the issue>

There aren’t any published security advisories