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Design doc template

Máté Gulyás edited this page Dec 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Design document for [CHANGE / FEATURE SHORT NAME]


Description of the change. Please use the following guidelines writing about the goals of this change.

  • What is the goal of this change?
  • What is the benefit for the users with this change?

Overview of the proposed change

Short description of the changes

Detailed description of the change

Please list all the architectural and code organisation questions, solutions and the reasoning behind the solution. Pay extra attention to describing the following:

  • Is there any UI change involved?
  • Are there new dependencies involved. Are the extra dependency justified?
  • Is the deployment affected?
  • Is the DB schema changed?
  • Does the user has to recreate the DB?

Documentation needs

Any documentation required? Does this change involve a change the


Please list the risks associated with this change.