The Nuxeo Java Client is a Java client library (can be used for Android) for Nuxeo Automation and REST API.
This is supported by Nuxeo and compatible with Nuxeo LTS 2016 and latest Fast Tracks.
Here is the Documentation Website.
mvn clean install
Download a Nuxeo server (the zip version)
Unzip it
NUXEO_HOME/bin/nuxeoctl start
NUXEO_HOME\bin\nuxeoctl.bat start
From your browser, go to
Follow Nuxeo Wizard by clicking 'Next' buttons, re-start once completed
Check Nuxeo correctly re-started
- username: Administrator
- password: Administrator
See Nuxeo Java Client branch 1.0
You can download the client on our Nexus: Nuxeo Client Library 2.5-SNAPSHOT
Import Nuxeo Java Client with:
compile 'org.nuxeo.client:nuxeo-java-client:2.5-SNAPSHOT'
<dependency org="org.nuxeo.client" name="nuxeo-java-client" rev="2.5-SNAPSHOT" />
libraryDependencies += "org.nuxeo.client" % "nuxeo-java-client" % "2.5-SNAPSHOT"
: Nuxeo Java Client Library.nuxeo-java-client-test
: Nuxeo Java Client Suite Test.NuxeoJavaClientSample
: Nuxeo Java Client Android Application Sample And Suite Test.
For a given url
String url = "http://localhost:8080/nuxeo";
And given credentials (by default using the Basic Auth) :
import org.nuxeo.client.api.NuxeoClient;
NuxeoClient nuxeoClient = new NuxeoClient(url, "Administrator", "Administrator");
// For defining session and transaction timeout
nuxeoClient = nuxeoClient.timeout(60).transactionTimeout(60);
// For defining global schemas, global enrichers and global headers in general
nuxeoClient = nuxeoClient.schemas("dublincore", "common").enrichers("acls","preview").header(key1,value1).header(key2, value2);
// For defining all schemas
nuxeoClient = nuxeoClient.schemas("*");
// To enable cache
nuxeoClient = nuxeoClient.enableDefaultCache();
// To logout (shutdown the client, headers etc...)
nuxeoClient = nuxeoClient.logout();
General rule:
- When using
is making remote calls. - When using
methods, objects are retrieved from memory.
To use the Automation API, org.nuxeo.client.api.NuxeoClient#automation()
is the entry point for all calls:
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.Document;
// Fetch the root document
Document result = nuxeoClient.automation().param("value", "/").execute("Repository.GetDocument");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.Operation;
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.Documents;
// Execute query
Operation operation = nuxeoClient.automation("Repository.Query").param("query", "SELECT * " + "FROM Document");
Documents result = operation.execute();
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.blob.Blob;
// To upload|download blob(s)
Blob fileBlob = new Blob(io.File file);
blob = nuxeoClient.automation().newRequest("Blob.AttachOnDocument").param("document", "/folder/file").input(fileBlob).execute();
Blobs inputBlobs = new Blobs();
inputBlobs.add(io.File file1);
inputBlobs.add(io.File file2);
Blobs blobs = nuxeoClient.automation().newRequest("Blob.AttachOnDocument").param("xpath", "files:files").param("document", "/folder/file").input(inputBlobs).execute();
Blob resultBlob = nuxeoClient.automation().input("folder/file").execute("Document.GetBlob");
####Repository API
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.Document;
// Fetch the root document
Document root = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentRoot();
// Fetch document in a specific repository
root = nuxeoClient.repository().repositoryName("other_repo").fetchDocumentRoot();
// Fetch document by path
Document folder = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_2");
// Create a document
Document folder = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_1");
Document document = new Document("file", "File");
document.set("dc:title", "new title");
document = nuxeoClient.repository().createDocumentByPath("/folder_1", document);
// Handle date using ISO 8601 format
Document document = new Document("file", "File");
document.set("dc:issued", "2017-02-09T00:00:00.000+01:00");
When handling date object, such as java.time.ZonedDateTime
or java.util.Calendar
, it should be converted to string
as ISO 8601 date format "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX" before calling the constructor or any setter method, e.g.
Document#set(String, Object)
. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown by the document.
// Update a document
Document document = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_1/note_0");
Document documentUpdated = new Document("test update", "Note");
documentUpdated.set("dc:title", "note updated");
documentUpdated.setTitle("note updated");
documentUpdated.set("dc:nature", "test");
documentUpdated = nuxeoClient.repository().updateDocument(documentUpdated);
// Delete a document
Document documentToDelete = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_1/note_1");
// Fetch children
Document folder = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_2");
Documents children = folder.fetchChildren();
// Fetch blob
Document file = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_2/file");
Blob blob = file.fetchBlob();
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.audit.Audit;
// Fetch the document Audit
Document root = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentRoot();
Audit audit = root.fetchAudit();
// Execute query
Documents documents = nuxeoClient.repository().query("SELECT * " + "From Note");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.RecordSet;
// With RecordSets
RecordSet documents = nuxeoClient.automation().param("query", "SELECT * FROM Document").execute("Repository.ResultSetQuery");
import retrofit2.Callback;
// Fetch document asynchronously with callback
nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentRoot(new Callback<Document>() {
public void onResponse(Call<Document> call, Response<Document>
response) {
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
NuxeoClientException nuxeoClientException;
try {
nuxeoClientException = objectMapper.readValue(response.errorBody().string(),
} catch (IOException reason) {
throw new NuxeoClientException(reason);
Document folder = response.body();
assertEquals("Folder", folder.getType());
assertEquals("document", folder.getEntityType());
assertEquals("/folder_2", folder.getPath());
assertEquals("Folder 2", folder.getTitle());
public void onFailure(Call<Document> call, Throwable t) {
To manage permission, please look inside package org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.acl
to handle ACP, ACL and ACE:
// Fetch Permissions of the current document
Document folder = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentByPath("/folder_2");
ACP acp = folder.fetchPermissions();
assertTrue(acp.getAcls().size() != 0);
assertEquals("inherited", acp.getAcls().get(0).getName());
assertEquals("Administrator", acp.getAcls().get(0).getAces().get(0).getUsername());
// Create permission on the current document
GregorianCalendar begin = new GregorianCalendar(2015, Calendar.JUNE, 20, 12, 34, 56);
GregorianCalendar end = new GregorianCalendar(2015, Calendar.JULY, 14, 12, 34, 56);
ACE ace = new ACE();
// Remove permissions in 'local' on the current document for a given name
// Remove permissions on the current document for those given parameters
folder.removePermission(idACE, "user0", "local");
####Batch Upload
Batch uploads are executed through the org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.upload.BatchUpload
// Batch Upload Initialization
BatchUpload batchUpload = nuxeoClient.fetchUploadManager();
// Upload File
File file = FileUtils.getResourceFileFromContext("sample.jpg");
batchUpload = batchUpload.upload(file.getName(), file.length(), "jpg", batchUpload.getBatchId(), "1", file);
// Fetch this file
BatchFile batchFile = batchUpload.fetchBatchFile("1");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.upload.BatchFile;
// Upload another file and check files
file = FileUtils.getResourceFileFromContext("blob.json");
batchUpload.upload(file.getName(), file.length(), "json", batchUpload.getBatchId(), "2", file);
List<BatchFile> batchFiles = batchUpload.fetchBatchFiles();
Batch upload can be executed in a chunk mode.
// Upload file chunks
BatchUpload batchUpload = nuxeoClient.fetchUploadManager().enableChunk();
File file = FileUtils.getResourceFileFromContext("sample.jpg");
batchUpload = batchUpload.upload(file.getName(), file.length(), "jpg", batchUpload.getBatchId(), "1", file);
Chunk size is by default 1MB (int 1024*1024). You can update this value with:
Attach batch to a document:
Document doc = new Document("file", "File");
doc.set("dc:title", "new title");
doc = nuxeoClient.repository().createDocumentByPath("/folder_1", doc);
doc.set("file:content", batchUpload.getBatchBlob());
doc = doc.updateDocument();
or via Automation:
Document doc = new Document("file", "File");
doc.set("dc:title", "new title");
doc = nuxeoClient.repository().createDocumentByPath("/folder_1", doc);
Operation operation = nuxeoClient.automation("Blob.AttachOnDocument").param("document", doc);
Blob blob = batchUpload.execute(operation);
// Fetch a directory
Directory directory = nuxeoClient.getDirectoryManager().fetchDirectory("continent");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.user.CurrentUser;
// Fetch current user
CurrentUser currentUser = nuxeoClient.fetchCurrentUser();
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.user.User;
// Fetch user
User user = nuxeoClient.getUserManager().fetchUser("Administrator");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.user.Group;
// Fetch group
Group group = nuxeoClient.getUserManager().fetchGroup("administrators");
// Create User/Group
UserManager userManager = nuxeoClient.getUserManager();
User newUser = new User();
List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>();
User user = userManager.createUser(newUser);
UserManager userManager = nuxeoClient.getUserManager();
Group group = new Group();
group.setGroupLabel("Toto Group");
List<String> users = new ArrayList<>();
group = userManager.createGroup(group);
// Update User/Group
User updatedUser = userManager.updateUser(user);
Group updatedGroup = userManager.updateGroup(group);
// Remove User/Group
// Add User to Group
userManager.addUserToGroup("Administrator", "totogroup");
userManager.attachGroupToUser("members", "Administrator");
import org.nuxeo.client.api.objects.workflow.Workflows;
// Fetch current user workflow instances
Workflows workflows = nuxeoClient.fetchCurrentUser().fetchWorkflowInstances();
// Fetch document workflow instances
Workflows workflows = nuxeoClient.repository().fetchDocumentRoot().fetchWorkflowInstances();
allows manual REST calls with the 4 main methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and provides JSON (de)serializer helpers:
import okhttp3.Response;
// GET Method and Deserialize Json Response Payload
Response response = nuxeoClient.get("NUXEO_URL/path/");
assertEquals(true, response.isSuccessful());
String json = response.body().string();
Document document = (Document) nuxeoClient.getConverterFactory().readJSON(json, Document.class);
// PUT Method and Deserialize Json Response Payload
Response response = nuxeoClient.put("NUXEO_URL/path/", "{\"entity-type\": \"document\",\"properties\": {\"dc:title\": \"new title\"}}");
assertEquals(true, response.isSuccessful());
String json = response.body().string();
Document document = (Document) nuxeoClient.getConverterFactory().readJSON(json, Document.class);
By default, Nuxeo java client is using the basic authentication via the okhttp interceptor org.nuxeo.client.internals.spi.auth.BasicAuthInterceptor
- Instantiate your
by passing null values inusername
parameters - Add an interceptor by using
Create a new java class implementing the interface okhttp3.Interceptor
- see the okhttp documentation.
All APIs from the client are executable in Asynchronous way.
All APIs are duplicated with an additional parameter retrofit2.Callback<T>
When no response is needed (204 No Content Status for example), use retrofit2.Callback<ResponseBody>
). This object can be introspected like the response headers or status for instance.
is using retrofit to deploy the endpoints and FasterXML to create marshallers.
Here an example:
- Create a custom interface
package com;
import com.Custom
import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.http.GET;
import retrofit2.http.Path;
public interface CustomAPI {
Call<Custom> fetchCustom(@Path("example") String example);
- Then create the custom object to fetch
package com;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
public class Custom {
protected String path;
protected transient String other;
- Finally the fetch service by extending
package com;
public class CustomService extends NuxeoEntity {
public Custom fetchCustom(String example) {
return (Custom) getResponse(example);
And it's done!
Pay attention to:
get exactly the same method name, both on the API and Service
provide inside
the same parameters found on the API
The default built-in cache in nuxeo-java-client
is "in memory" (org.nuxeo.client.api.cache.ResultCacheInMemory
It can be activated by
It will store all results from requests and will restore them regarding to their signatures.
The cache invalidation is triggered after 10 minutes and has a maximum capacity of 1 MB.
Customization can be done with different invalidation parameters by using
can be used to instantiate a custom cache implementing the interfaceorg.nuxeo.client.api.cache.NuxeoResponseCache
If you have specific needs, don't hesitate to create an issue on this repository, all feedbacks are welcome!
The main exception manager for the nuxeo-java-client
is org.nuxeo.client.internals.spi.NuxeoClientException
and contains:
The HTTP error status code (666 for internal errors)
An info message
The remote exception with stack trace (depending on the exception mode activated on Nuxeo server side
The Testing suite or TCK can be found in this project nuxeo-java-client-test
The initial nuxeo-automation-client
is now old:
- Client design was based on Automation API before REST endpoints where available in Nuxeo
- A lot of features around upload & download are missing
- Marshalling and exception management are sometimes bad
The nuxeo-automation-client
was then forked to build a Android version with some caching.
JVM & Android
The nuxeo-java-client
must works on both a standard JVM and Android Dalvik VM.
Java 6 & Java 7
Library must work on older Java versions.
The goal is to be able to use nuxeo-java-client
from application running in Java 6 or Java 7.
Light dependencies
The library should be easy to embed so we want to have as few dependencies as possible.
Cache compliant
If needed, for example on Android, we should be able to easily add caching logic.
We do not need to implement all the caching features that were inside the Android Client, but we need to design the library so that adding them can be done without breaking the library structure.
Exception Management
Client should be able to retrieve the remote Exception easily and access to the trace feature would be ideal.
JS like
Make the API look like the JS one (Fluent, Promises ...)
Retrolambda & Retrofit
Share the http lib between JVM and Android. Allow to use Lambda in the code.
Jackson & Marshaling
By default, the library fasterXML Jackson is used for objects marshalling in nuxeo-java-client
Several usages:
- POJOS and Annotations.
- Custom JSON generators and parsers.
Caching Interceptors
If needed, for example on Android, we should be able to easily add caching logic.
All caches should be accessible via a generated cache key defined by the request itself:
- headers
- base url
- endpoint used
- parameters
- body
- content type
- ...?
3 caches should be implemented:
Raw Response Store : The server response is simply stored on the device so that it can be reused in case the server is unreachable OR to avoid too many frequent calls.
Document Response Store: Store the unmarshalled response objects (here Documents) and updates.
Document Transient Store bound with deferred calls queue: keeping changes of document.
Deferred Calls Queue: The Create Update Delete operation will be stored locally and replayed when the server is available. Requests pure calls.
----> What would be a default timeout for each cache?
Potential rules offline:
- When listing documents, check the document transient store
- then check the document response store
- then check the server response
- Should we apply those rules?
- Should we use ETag And/Or If-Modified-Since with HEAD method?
Depending on client:
- "In memory" - Guava for Java
- "Database" - SQlite for Android
- Local storage for JS
- On disk for both
- Others?
- For the dirty properties of objects (like dirty properties of automation client for documents) - out of scope of caching
Error & Logging
The NuxeoClientException
within nuxeo-java-client
is consuming the default and the extended rest exception response by the server. Here the documentation
We are glad to welcome new developers on this initiative, and even simple usage feedback is great.
- Ask your questions on Nuxeo Answers
- Report issues on this GitHub repository (see issues link on the right)
- Contribute: Send pull requests!
- Thanks a lot to the Square team for their retrofit/okhttp client libraries
Nuxeo dramatically improves how content-based applications are built, managed and deployed, making customers more agile, innovative and successful. Nuxeo provides a next generation, enterprise ready platform for building traditional and cutting-edge content oriented applications. Combining a powerful application development environment with SaaS-based tools and a modular architecture, the Nuxeo Platform and Products provide clear business value to some of the most recognizable brands including Verizon, Electronic Arts, Sharp, FICO, the U.S. Navy, and Boeing. Nuxeo is headquartered in New York and Paris. More information is available at