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A Python library for end-to-end A/B testing workflows, featuring:

  • Experiment analysis and scorecards
  • Power analysis (simulation-based and normal approximation)
  • Variance reduction techniques (CUPED, CUPAC)
  • Support for complex experimental designs (cluster randomization, switchback experiments)

Key Features

1. Power Analysis

  • Simulation-based: Run Monte Carlo simulations to estimate power
  • Normal approximation: Fast power estimation using CLT
  • Minimum Detectable Effect: Calculate required effect sizes
  • Multiple designs: Support for:
    • Simple randomization
    • Variance reduction techniques in power analysis
    • Cluster randomization
    • Switchback experiments
  • Dict config: Easy to configure power analysis with a dictionary

2. Experiment Analysis

  • Analysis Plans: Define structured analysis plans
  • Metrics:
    • Simple metrics
    • Ratio metrics
  • Dimensions: Slice results by dimensions
  • Statistical Methods:
    • GEE
    • Mixed Linear Models
    • Clustered / regular OLS
    • T-tests
    • Synthetic Control
  • Dict config: Easy to define analysis plans with a dictionary

3. Variance Reduction

  • CUPED (Controlled-experiment Using Pre-Experiment Data):
    • Use historical outcome data to reduce variance, choose any granularity
    • Support for several covariates
  • CUPAC (Control Using Predictors as Covariates):
    • Use any scikit-learn compatible estimator to predict the outcome with pre-experiment data

Quick Start

Power Analysis Example

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments import PowerAnalysis, NormalPowerAnalysis

# Create sample data
N = 1_000
df = pd.DataFrame({
    "target": np.random.normal(0, 1, size=N),
    "date": pd.to_datetime(

# Simulation-based power analysis with CUPED
config = {
    "analysis": "ols",
    "perturbator": "constant",
    "splitter": "non_clustered",
    "n_simulations": 50,
pw = PowerAnalysis.from_dict(config)
power = pw.power_analysis(df, average_effect=0.1)

# Normal approximation (faster)
npw = NormalPowerAnalysis.from_dict({
    "analysis": "ols",
    "splitter": "non_clustered",
    "n_simulations": 5,
    "time_col": "date",
power_normal = npw.power_analysis(df, average_effect=0.1)
power_line_normal = npw.power_line(df, average_effects=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

# MDE calculation
mde = npw.mde(df, power=0.8)

# MDE line with length
mde_timeline = npw.mde_time_line(
    experiment_length=[7, 14, 21]

print(power, power_line_normal, power_normal, mde, mde_timeline)

Experiment Analysis Example

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments import AnalysisPlan

N = 1_000
experiment_data = pd.DataFrame({
    "order_value": np.random.normal(100, 10, size=N),
    "delivery_time": np.random.normal(10, 1, size=N),
    "experiment_group": np.random.choice(["control", "treatment"], size=N),
    "city": np.random.choice(["NYC", "LA"], size=N),
    "customer_id": np.random.randint(1, 100, size=N),
    "customer_age": np.random.randint(20, 60, size=N),

# Create analysis plan
plan = AnalysisPlan.from_metrics_dict({
    "metrics": [
        {"alias": "AOV", "name": "order_value"},
        {"alias": "delivery_time", "name": "delivery_time"},
    "variants": [
        {"name": "control", "is_control": True},
        {"name": "treatment", "is_control": False},
    "variant_col": "experiment_group",
    "alpha": 0.05,
    "dimensions": [
        {"name": "city", "values": ["NYC", "LA"]},
    "analysis_type": "clustered_ols",
    "analysis_config": {"cluster_cols": ["customer_id"]},
# Run analysis

Variance Reduction Example

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cluster_experiments import (

N = 1000

experiment_data = pd.DataFrame({
    "order_value": np.random.normal(100, 10, size=N),
    "delivery_time": np.random.normal(10, 1, size=N),
    "experiment_group": np.random.choice(["control", "treatment"], size=N),
    "city": np.random.choice(["NYC", "LA"], size=N),
    "customer_id": np.random.randint(1, 100, size=N),
    "customer_age": np.random.randint(20, 60, size=N),

pre_experiment_data = pd.DataFrame({
    "order_value": np.random.normal(100, 10, size=N),
    "customer_id": np.random.randint(1, 100, size=N),

# Define test
cupac_model = TargetAggregation(

hypothesis_test = HypothesisTest(
    metric=SimpleMetric(alias="AOV", name="order_value"),
        "cluster_cols": ["customer_id"],
        "covariates": ["customer_age", "estimate_order_value"],
        "cupac_model": cupac_model,
        "target_col": "order_value",

# Create analysis plan
plan = AnalysisPlan(
        Variant("control", is_control=True),
        Variant("treatment", is_control=False),

# Run analysis
results = plan.analyze(experiment_data, pre_experiment_data)


You can install this package via pip.

pip install cluster-experiments

For detailed documentation and examples, visit our documentation site.


The library offers the following classes:

  • Regarding power analysis:
    • PowerAnalysis: to run power analysis on any experiment design, using simulation
    • PowerAnalysisWithPreExperimentData: to run power analysis on a clustered/switchback design, but adding pre-experiment df during split and perturbation (especially useful for Synthetic Control)
    • NormalPowerAnalysis: to run power analysis on any experiment design using the central limit theorem for the distribution of the estimator. It can be used to compute the minimum detectable effect (MDE) for a given power level.
    • ConstantPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with constant perturbations
    • BinaryPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group for binary outcomes
    • RelativePositivePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative positive perturbations
    • RelativeMixedPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative perturbations for positive and negative targets
    • NormalPerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with normal distribution perturbations
    • BetaRelativePositivePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative positive beta distribution perturbations
    • BetaRelativePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative beta distribution perturbations in a specified support interval
    • SegmentedBetaRelativePerturbator: to artificially perturb treated group with relative beta distribution perturbations in a specified support interval, but using clusters
  • Regarding splitting data:
    • ClusteredSplitter: to split data based on clusters
    • FixedSizeClusteredSplitter: to split data based on clusters with a fixed size (example: only 1 treatment cluster and the rest in control)
    • BalancedClusteredSplitter: to split data based on clusters in a balanced way
    • NonClusteredSplitter: Regular data splitting, no clusters
    • StratifiedClusteredSplitter: to split based on clusters and strata, balancing the number of clusters in each stratus
    • RepeatedSampler: for backtests where we have access to counterfactuals, does not split the data, just duplicates the data for all groups
    • Switchback splitters (the same can be done with clustered splitters, but there is a convenient way to define switchback splitters using switch frequency):
      • SwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments
      • BalancedSwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments, balancing treatment and control among all clusters
      • StratifiedSwitchbackSplitter: to split data based on clusters and dates, for switchback experiments, balancing the number of clusters in each stratus
      • Washover for switchback experiments:
        • EmptyWashover: no washover done at all.
        • ConstantWashover: accepts a timedelta parameter and removes the data when we switch from A to B for the timedelta interval.
  • Regarding analysis methods:
    • GeeExperimentAnalysis: to run GEE analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • MLMExperimentAnalysis: to run Mixed Linear Model analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • TTestClusteredAnalysis: to run a t-test on aggregated data for clusters
    • PairedTTestClusteredAnalysis: to run a paired t-test on aggregated data for clusters
    • ClusteredOLSAnalysis: to run OLS analysis on the results of a clustered design
    • OLSAnalysis: to run OLS analysis for non-clustered data
    • DeltaMethodAnalysis: to run Delta Method Analysis for clustered designs
    • TargetAggregation: to add pre-experimental data of the outcome to reduce variance
    • SyntheticControlAnalysis: to run synthetic control analysis
  • Regarding experiment analysis workflow:
    • Metric: abstract class to define a metric to be used in the analysis
    • SimpleMetric: to create a metric defined at the same level of the data used for the analysis
    • RatioMetric: to create a metric defined at a lower level than the data used for the analysis
    • Variant: to define a variant of the experiment
    • Dimension: to define a dimension to slice the results of the experiment
    • HypothesisTest: to define a Hypothesis Test with a metric, analysis method, optional analysis configuration, and optional dimensions
    • AnalysisPlan: to define a plan of analysis with a list of Hypothesis Tests for a dataset and the experiment variants. The analyze() method runs the analysis and returns the results
    • AnalysisResults: to store the results of an analysis
  • Other:
    • PowerConfig: to conveniently configure PowerAnalysis class
    • ConfidenceInterval: to store the data representation of a confidence interval
    • InferenceResults: to store the structure of complete statistical analysis results