Golang parent/child process IPC via named pipes
Once process_executor
executable is ran, it launches spawned_process
executable and then it listens for messages from named pipe.
The spawned_process
process sends one message via named pipe.
Those messages are received by process_executor
process which prints them to console.
make build
compiles all executable into bin directorymake run
which in turn runsspawned_process
Note, logs prefixed with timestamp are from process_executor
, the others are from spawned_process
$> make run
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Create named pipe /var/folders/wj/b2xcxqhs4js3t7qf288h5wyjk5cbnl/T/named-pipes785412834
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Opening named pipe for reading
Opening named pipe for writing
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Reading
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Waiting for someone to write something
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Data: hello
2019/08/27 09:42:35 Successfully deleted named pipe /var/folders/wj/b2xcxqhs4js3t7qf288h5wyjk5cbnl/T/named-pipes785412834/stdout